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Marijo Emond

Théorie et outils pour la conception de situations-problèmes (Situations-prob... - 3 views

    Lien vers le site situations-problèmes
Nathalie Frigon

How to implement studio teaching? - 0 views

  • approach to teaching and learning that gets students actively engaged in directing their own learning
  • This can, if the instructor desires, lead to discussions (with students) about the nature of knowledge and learning (epistemology). Some studio classes have significant focus on metacognition. Students may keep learning portfolios. Portfolios and other things allow them to analyze their thinking and learning skills and so better develop good habits of the mind that will guide them in the future.
  • Expectations must be clear
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • The goal of studio teaching is to get students to be active learners
  • Instructors serve as guides or mentors
  • no lecturing at all
  • in response to specific student needs
  • develop a collection of exercises/projects that will provide the focus for learning throughout the semester.
Marijo Emond

La classe la plus techno au pays » Presse-É - 0 views

    Novembre 2011
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