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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Leigh Newton

Leigh Newton

MyRead Guide - Cooperative Reading As Simple As ABC - 18 views

    Using the 4 Resources Model
    I enjoy using the resources listed here. Based on the 4 Resources Model and Literature Circles.
Leigh Newton

An Introduction to Critical Thinking - 12 views

  • "It is strange that we expect students to learn, yet seldom teach them anything about learning."
  • "We should be teaching students how to think. Instead, we are teaching them what to think."
  • "Many 17-year-olds do not possess the 'higher-order' intellectual skills we should expect of them. Nearly 40 percent cannot draw inferences from written material; only one-fifth can write a persuasive essay; and only one-third can solve a mathematics problem requiring several steps."
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  • Critical thinking can be described as the scientific method applied by ordinary people to the ordinary world.
  • Critical thinking is a learned ability that must be taught. Most individuals never learn it. Critical thinking cannot be taught reliably to students by peers or by most parents. Trained and knowledgable instructors are necessary to impart the proper information and skills.
  • Critical thinking means correct thinking in the pursuit of relevant and reliable knowledge about the world.
    ""We should be teaching students how to think. Instead, we are teaching them what to think.""
Leigh Newton

MyRead Guide - Three Stages Of Reading - 11 views

  • The Three Stages Of Reading strategy involves teaching students to delve into text. The Before Reading stage provides a scaffold for new concepts and vocabulary, promotes engagement and provides a means for prediction. The second stage, During Reading, allows students to integrate the knowledge and information they bring to the text with ‘new’ information in the text. The last stage, After Reading, allows students to articulate and process their understanding of what they have read and to think critically about the validity of the text.
  • Before Reading Stage
  • One of the purposes of Before Reading is to acknowledge the different experiences and background knowledge that students bring to a text, influencing how they will read and learn from a particular text. By knowing what students bring to a text the teacher can provide students with appropriate scaffolds to make links between what is already known and new information presented in a text.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • During Reading Stage
  • During this stage of the reading process students need structured means to integrate the knowledge and information they bring to the text with the ‘new or unknown’ within the text. They are processing the text and self-monitoring.
  • After Reading Stage
  • During the After Reading stage students articulate and process their understanding of what they have read and think critically about the validity of the text. Two tools that can be during this stage are Paired Reviews and Story Stars.
    "The Three Stages Of Reading strategy involves teaching students to delve into text. The Before Reading stage provides a scaffold for new concepts and vocabulary, promotes engagement and provides a means for prediction. The second stage, During Reading, allows students to integrate the knowledge and information they bring to the text with 'new' information in the text. The last stage, After Reading, allows students to articulate and process their understanding of what they have read and to think critically about the validity of the text."
Leigh Newton

Author's Craft - Narrative Elements - Setting - 12 views

    "Where is it? In a middleclass neighborhood; I'm not sure yet where it is.\nWhen is it? Wintertime in the evening, during an era when it was still common to see driving horses-maybe the late 1800s.\nWhat is the weather like? Cold, and the night falls early.\nWhat are the social conditions? In this neighborhood it seems people mostly stay inside in the evening; the narrator is aware of "rough tribes from the cottages" nearby-probably members of a lower social class.\nWhat is the landscape or environment like? Dark and quiet, with a sense of heaviness that contrasts with the narrator's shouting and playing.\nWhat special details make the setting vivid? Sensory details: the violet color of the sky, the dim lanterns, the stinging cold, the ashpits' odors, the music of the horse's harness."
Leigh Newton Buy Used Books to Fund Literacy Worldwide - 1 views

    Purchase books and fund world literacy
Leigh Newton

WordCounter - 5 views

    Wordcounter ranks the most frequently used words in any given body of text. Use this to see what words you overuse (is everything a "solution" for you?) or maybe just to find some keywords from a document. Wordcounter is useful for writers, editors, students, and anyone who thinks that they might be speaking redundantly or repetitively -- and it's free! Eventually, I'm going to expand it so that you can upload documents, but not yet.
Leigh Newton

F-Shaped Pattern For Reading Web Content (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox) - 4 views

    Where readers read most. Reality check for online writers and hardcopy writers.
Leigh Newton

22 Things You Don't Know About Your Customers | Internet Marketing Strategy: Conversati... - 2 views

    Useful as tutorial for students who are over enthusiastic about using colours and fonts in PowerPoints.
Leigh Newton

Creativity Resource for Teachers » Elementary (grades K-5) - 1 views

    creativity inspired from art.
Leigh Newton

What Are the Seven Reading Comprehension Strategies? - 22 views

    While I think there are more than seven, this collection is a good summary.
Leigh Newton

Triptico | Eight Option Spinner - 0 views

    8 options that you need to type in. Spin to select. Could be used with learning new words. Spin and put the word in a sentence.
Leigh Newton

BBC - Schools Ages 4-11 - Literacy Sites - 0 views

    Primary literacy tools.
Leigh Newton

fridge magnet poetry, poems, magnets - 1 views

    Fun way to write poetry
Leigh Newton

Comics in the Classroom: 100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Teachers | Teaching - 0 views

    Gone are the days of children sneaking comics past diligent parents and teachers watching out for sub-par literature. The comics of today not only have plenty to offer, they are gaining well-deserved recognition and awards. Take advantage of the natural affinity children have for comics and use them as a powerful teaching tool in your classroom.
Leigh Newton

Michelle's Blog - 0 views

  • This requires not only knowledge that people have thoughts that are different from our own (basic Theory of Mind concepts) but that they also can narrate a story across time and/or sequence so the reader can follow and make reasonable conclusions to avoid confusion (this is called narrative language). They also have to recognize that people move from ideas (gestalt or main idea) to thoughts (details). To help the reader the writer has to organize his information so that he introduces his idea and then supports it with a reasonable set of thoughts (details).
    • Leigh Newton
      Big ideas are not enough by themselves - they need details in order that the reader can understand.
  • 1. Teach them how we brainstorm information related to the topic we are going to write about. Most 2nd grade students learn about "brainstorming" through the use of what are called, "graphic organizers". "visual organizers" or "mind maps". This lesson needs to be extended for our students and taught much more extensively.
  • 2. Learn to tell the difference between ideas or what we call in writing "main ideas" and how these are different from "details".
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • 3. Work on pruning their thoughts they brainstorm by creating written outlines to serve as guidance for their work.4. For high school students, learn how to talk understand what an "opinion" is.
  • To motivate students to engage at this level of thinking and showing their thoughts by creating visual structures such as graphic organizers or visual outlines, we would provide them a grade for there production of these visual thinking supports. Thus, rather than receive a grade for the final written product, they would receive a grade for creating the graphic organizer and then the outline, etc.
  • By allowing them this time to work on thinking away from working producing written work allows all of us to re-focus and tune up the core skills of writing.
Leigh Newton

YouTube - Six Traits Word Choice Video - 0 views

    For primary school children. Young girl teaching on word choice for writing.
    Video by young girl teaching on the six +1 traits of writing.
Leigh Newton

CUEcast on Dr Robert Marzano on IWB and other technology - 0 views

    Research that says clearly IWBs used by experienced confident teachers achieves a significant increase in students understanding.
Leigh Newton

Textorizer - vectorize a picture using text strings - 0 views

    Grapic representation of text. Good for poetry.
    Good for poetry representation. Will need some tinkering to get a balance of the graphic variables.
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