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Leigh Newton

An Introduction to Critical Thinking - 12 views

  • "It is strange that we expect students to learn, yet seldom teach them anything about learning."
  • "We should be teaching students how to think. Instead, we are teaching them what to think."
  • "Many 17-year-olds do not possess the 'higher-order' intellectual skills we should expect of them. Nearly 40 percent cannot draw inferences from written material; only one-fifth can write a persuasive essay; and only one-third can solve a mathematics problem requiring several steps."
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Critical thinking can be described as the scientific method applied by ordinary people to the ordinary world.
  • Critical thinking is a learned ability that must be taught. Most individuals never learn it. Critical thinking cannot be taught reliably to students by peers or by most parents. Trained and knowledgable instructors are necessary to impart the proper information and skills.
  • Critical thinking means correct thinking in the pursuit of relevant and reliable knowledge about the world.
    ""We should be teaching students how to think. Instead, we are teaching them what to think.""
Leigh Newton

MyRead Guide - Three Stages Of Reading - 11 views

  • The Three Stages Of Reading strategy involves teaching students to delve into text. The Before Reading stage provides a scaffold for new concepts and vocabulary, promotes engagement and provides a means for prediction. The second stage, During Reading, allows students to integrate the knowledge and information they bring to the text with ‘new’ information in the text. The last stage, After Reading, allows students to articulate and process their understanding of what they have read and to think critically about the validity of the text.
  • Before Reading Stage
  • One of the purposes of Before Reading is to acknowledge the different experiences and background knowledge that students bring to a text, influencing how they will read and learn from a particular text. By knowing what students bring to a text the teacher can provide students with appropriate scaffolds to make links between what is already known and new information presented in a text.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • During Reading Stage
  • During this stage of the reading process students need structured means to integrate the knowledge and information they bring to the text with the ‘new or unknown’ within the text. They are processing the text and self-monitoring.
  • After Reading Stage
  • During the After Reading stage students articulate and process their understanding of what they have read and think critically about the validity of the text. Two tools that can be during this stage are Paired Reviews and Story Stars.
    "The Three Stages Of Reading strategy involves teaching students to delve into text. The Before Reading stage provides a scaffold for new concepts and vocabulary, promotes engagement and provides a means for prediction. The second stage, During Reading, allows students to integrate the knowledge and information they bring to the text with 'new' information in the text. The last stage, After Reading, allows students to articulate and process their understanding of what they have read and to think critically about the validity of the text."
Todd Finley

Jim Burke: English Companion - How To Read an Image - 0 views

    The age demanded an image. -Ezra Pound Rationale In our world of multi- and visual media, we must expand our notion of what a text is and how we must read it. As more texts are used to convey information print once did, we must bring to these visual texts critical literacies that will help us construct meaning from their elements. The following questions are designed to help readers make sense of images they encounter in various contexts. Ask the Following Questions * Why are we looking at this? * What are we looking for? * How should we look at this? * What choices did the artist make and how did they affect its meaning? * Is this image in its original state (i.e., no manipulation or "doctoring")? * What are the different components in this image? * How are they related to each other? * What is the main idea or argument the image expresses? * In what context or under what conditions was this image originally created? Displayed? * Who created it? * Was it commissioned? (If so, by whom? And for what purpose?) * What was the creator trying to do here? (i.e., narrate, explain, describe, persuade-or some combination?) * Can you find any tension or examples of conflict within the image? If so, what are they? What is their source? How are they represented? * Do you like this image? (Regardless of your answer: Why?) * How would you describe the artist's technique? * What conventions govern this image? How do they contribute to or detract from its ability to convey its message? * What does it consist of? * Why are parts arranged the way they are? * What is the main idea behind this image? * What does this image show (i.e., objectively; see Vietnam Memorial image) * What does it mean (subjectively; see Vietnam Memorial image) * Is this presented as an interpretation? Factual record? Impression? * What is the larger context of which this image is a part? * What is it made fro
    The age demanded an image. -Ezra Pound Rationale In our world of multi- and visual media, we must expand our notion of what a text is and how we must read it. As more texts are used to convey information print once did, we must bring to these visual texts critical literacies that will help us construct meaning from their elements. The following questions are designed to help readers make sense of images they encounter in various contexts. Ask the Following Questions * Why are we looking at this? * What are we looking for? * How should we look at this? * What choices did the artist make and how did they affect its meaning? * Is this image in its original state (i.e., no manipulation or "doctoring")? * What are the different components in this image? * How are they related to each other? * What is the main idea or argument the image expresses? * In what context or under what conditions was this image originally created? Displayed? * Who created it? * Was it commissioned? (If so, by whom? And for what purpose?) * What was the creator trying to do here? (i.e., narrate, explain, describe, persuade-or some combination?) * Can you find any tension or examples of conflict within the image? If so, what are they? What is their source? How are they represented? * Do you like this image? (Regardless of your answer: Why?) * How would you describe the artist's technique? * What conventions govern this image? How do they contribute to or detract from its ability to convey its message? * What does it consist of? * Why are parts arranged the way they are? * What is the main idea behind this image? * What does this image show (i.e., objectively; see Vietnam Memorial image) * What does it mean (subjectively; see Vietnam Memorial image) * Is this presented as an interpretation? Factual record? Impression? * What is the larger context of which this image is a part? * What is it made fro
Cindy Marston

Chicago Shakespeare Theater: Printable Handbooks - 39 views

    Chicago Shakespeare Theater has printable handbooks for many of Shakespeare's plays. "Each of our entirely original teacher handbooks includes active, engaging teaching activities, 400 years of critical thinking, synopses, and much more. Teaching activities-all aligned with the Common Core State Standards-are designed to draw upon some of the same practices and techniques that actors use in the rehearsal process to break open Shakespeare's challenging language."
    "Each of our entirely original teacher handbooks includes active, engaging teaching activities, 400 years of critical thinking, synopses, and much more. Teaching activities-all aligned with the Common Core State Standards-are designed to draw upon some of the same practices and techniques that actors use in the rehearsal process to break open Shakespeare's challenging language.  "
Jen Sevart

StudySync - 0 views

    Awesome platform for online reading, writing, and critical thinking. Great for Common Core.
Graca Martins

Arturo Escobar - 0 views

shared by Graca Martins on 14 Nov 11 - Cached
    Site Critical Studies of development and globalization
Dana Huff

Jane Austen Fiction Manuscripts: Home - 4 views

    Jane Austen's fiction manuscripts are the first significant body of holograph evidence surviving for any British novelist. They represent every stage of her writing career and a variety of physical states: working drafts, fair copies, and handwritten publications for private circulation. Digitization enables their virtual reunification and will provides scholars with the first opportunity to make simultaneous ocular comparison of their different physical and conceptual states; it will facilitate intimate and systematic study of Austen's working practices across her career, a remarkably neglected area of scholarship within the huge, world-wide Austen critical industry. Many of the Austen manuscripts are frail; open and sustained access has long been impossible for conservation and location reasons. Digitization at this stage in their lives not only offers the opportunity for the virtual reunification of a key manuscript resource, it will also be accompanied by a record in as complete a form as possible of the conservation history and current material state of these manuscripts to assist their future conservation.
Dana Huff

10 Ways to Promote Writing For an Authentic Audience - The Learning Network Blog - NYTi... - 7 views

    Participating in an online discussion on events and issues in the news not only gives students a forum, but it also helps them build critical thinking, writing and news literacy skills and provides an opportunity to write for an authentic audience.
Dana Huff

Interrogating Texts: 6 Reading Habits to Develop in Your First Year at Harvard - Resear... - 13 views

    Harvard explains critical reading. Via Jim Burke.
Lindsay Carriera

Best content in English Teachers | Diigo - Groups - 0 views

    I once sat in on several classes taught by Keith Grove at Dover-Sherborn High School near Boston and noticed that such meetings were critical to his teaching; he had come to realize that the feeling of community (and active participation) they produced made whatever time remained for the explicit curriculum far more productive than devoting the whole period to talking at rows of silent kids.
Dana Huff

"The Lord of the Rings," "Twilight," and Young-Adult Fantasy Books : The New Yorker - 9 views

    Adam Gopnik discusses the appeal of high fantasy in YA. He misses the mark, I think, in not discussing Joseph Campbell's influence in all of this, and he's condescending throughout much of the piece, but it's an interesting analysis aside from these two admittedly major issues.
Van Piercy

The Public Sphere Problem - 0 views

    "public sphere rhetorical theory"
Dana Huff

Is Technology Producing A Decline In Critical Thinking And Analysis? - 0 views

    Some holes in this study, I think, but interesting for the Diigo challenges.
tom campbell

English Literature & Criticism - 0 views

    From Infotopia, a page that gathers an impressive collection of searchable resources.
Cindy Marston

How to Create Nonreaders - 11 views

  • all a teacher can do – is work with students to create a classroom culture, a climate, a curriculum that will nourish and sustain the fundamental inclinations that everyone starts out with:  to make sense of oneself and the world, to become increasingly competent at tasks that are regarded as consequential, to connect with (and express oneself to) other people. 
  • I once sat in on several classes taught by Keith Grove at Dover-Sherborn High School near Boston and noticed that such meetings were critical to his teaching; he had come to realize that the feeling of community (and active participation) they produced made whatever time remained for the explicit curriculum far more productive than devoting the whole period to talking at rows of silent kids.  Together the students decided whether to review the homework in small groups or as a whole class.  Together they decided when it made sense to schedule their next test.  (After all, what’s the point of assessment – to have students show you what they know when they’re ready to do so, or to play “gotcha”?)  Interestingly, Grove says that his classes are quite structured even though they’re unusually democratic, and he sees his job as being “in control of putting students in control.”
  • The first is that deeper learning and enthusiasm require us to let students generate possibilities rather than just choosing items from our menu; construction is more important than selection. 
    Fall 2010 article by Alfie Kohn about things that don't work, and things that do for encouraging a real LOVE of reading. Includes some challenging comments about motivation and traditional methods for teaching reading.
Van Piercy

The Writing Revolution - Peg Tyre - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • teaching the basics of analytic writing, every day, in virtually every class.
    • Van Piercy
      So they were going to a WAC/WID curriculum? Makes sense.
  • a coherent, well-turned paragraph
  • the essay questions were just too difficult. Many would simply write a sentence or two and shut the test booklet.
    • Van Piercy
      So they just didn't know how to think? No one had taught them to think. Cf. Philips-Exeter and the Harkness table.
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • bad writing
    • Van Piercy
      The centrality of writing
  • inability to translate thoughts into coherent, well-argued sentences, paragraphs, and essays
    • Van Piercy
  • on teaching the skills that underlie good analytical writing,
    • Van Piercy
      The skills underlying good writing--not just formalism?
  • To be able to think critically and express that thinking, it’s where we are going,”
  • the importance of formal writing instruction
  • constructing personal narratives, memoirs, and small works of fiction—
  • write informative and persuasive essays.
  • David Coleman
    • Van Piercy
      So wait, is Coleman the architect of New Dorp's success? No.
  • Students’ inability to translate thoughts into coherent, well-argued sentences, paragraphs, and essays was severely impeding intellectual growth in many subjects
  • teaching the basics of analytic writing, every day
  • DeAngelis
  • ­roughly 40 percent of students are poor, a third are Hispanic, and 12 percent are black
  • Her decision in 2008 to focus on how teachers supported writing inside each classroom was not popular.
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