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Todd Finley

NextUp. Your Meeting. On Schedule. - 7 views

    Neat way to allot times for meetings or classes, or work-related tasks. 

English Companion - Where English teachers meet to help each other - 1 views

    Where English teachers meet to help each other
Dana Huff

McSweeney's Internet Tendency: willslist. - 6 views

    Shakespeare meets Craigslist.

MacScouter -- Stories for Scouts & Scouters - 0 views

    Audience Participation Stories are great fun. Good for ice breakers or to do at the start of meetings, to get people warmed up and in a jolly mood.
Lindsay Carriera

Best content in English Teachers | Diigo - Groups - 0 views

    I once sat in on several classes taught by Keith Grove at Dover-Sherborn High School near Boston and noticed that such meetings were critical to his teaching; he had come to realize that the feeling of community (and active participation) they produced made whatever time remained for the explicit curriculum far more productive than devoting the whole period to talking at rows of silent kids.
Angie Moehlmann

Online Conference Library 2.0 - 1 views

  • Smart Objects on the Cheap: DIY Interactive Digital Exhibits
  • Professor The Evolution of Book Reviewing Practice: New Directions in the 21st Century
  • ntroduction to Digital Game-Based Learning in Libraries
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • Get started circulating eReaders!
  • Professor Project-Based Learning in Higher Education: Developing Information Literacy Skills and Global Competency in Research and Technology Course
  • Digivolution: Meeting eReading & App-etite Needs in Uncharted Territory
  • Toddlers, Touch Technology, and Family Learning at the Library
  • Blogging - a possible solution for readin
  • The Unmined Potential of Ebooks: Create Passionate Patrons & Promote your Library
  • High School Book Clubs in a Digital Age
  • Book Club 2.0: How to Start and Run a 21st Century Book Club
  • Ebooks: Do They Use Them? Do They Care
  • Incorporating Digital Storytelling Into Your Instruction: A Toolkit
  • Live the Literature: Digital Storytelling with Bookcasts
  • Today's Libraries and the Self-Checkout Technology
  • QR Codes in the Classroom
  • Making and Sharing Book Trailers
Chiki Smith

The Handbook of Cheating Changed The Way I Want My Marriage to Work - 1 views

My hubby and I were married for 2 years but we have been with each other for seven years before we got married. So, it was devastating when I discovered he is cheating on me with his co-worker. I r...

relationships advice

started by Chiki Smith on 16 Nov 11 no follow-up yet
Chiki Smith

The Handbook of Cheating Changed The Way I Want My Marriage to Work - 1 views

My hubby and I were married for 2 years but we have been with each other for seven years before we got married. So, it was devastating when I discovered he is cheating on me with his co-worker. I r...

relationships advice

started by Chiki Smith on 15 Nov 11 no follow-up yet
Todd Finley

A Colorado Conversation - Administrators - 0 views

  • Networking: The New Literacy
  • Our students must be nomadic, flexible, mobile learners who depend on their ability to connect with people and resources. As educators, we need to master this as well, we must know for ourselves how to create, grow, and navigate these collaborative spaces in safe, effective, and ethical ways. We need to create our own Personal Learning Networks not only to learn ourselves, but to model these shifts for our students. Come join this session with Friday’s Keynote Speaker Will Richardson as we discuss what steps administrators can take to ensure that they – and their schools – are meeting the needs of our students.
  • Capture Everything: What's worth capturing in my classrooms? My building? My district? Audio? Video? Text-based assignments? Student work? Writing? Share Everything: Where can I share it? With whom? What audiences is our organization working to serve? How will they benefit from these shared items? Who needs to see what’s going on? Open Everything: What are the closed silos of information in our schools that shouldn't be? What things outside of our schools have we closed (blocked)? What can we do to open both of those up? Only Connect: How can I help my students and teachers connect with content, with each other, and with others outside the classroom (students, teachers, experts, mentors, the community, etc.) in a meaningful way?
    • Todd Finley
      Good TRWP Cumulating Event
    Great link for an activity on new literacies
Cindy Marston

How to Create Nonreaders - 11 views

  • all a teacher can do – is work with students to create a classroom culture, a climate, a curriculum that will nourish and sustain the fundamental inclinations that everyone starts out with:  to make sense of oneself and the world, to become increasingly competent at tasks that are regarded as consequential, to connect with (and express oneself to) other people. 
  • I once sat in on several classes taught by Keith Grove at Dover-Sherborn High School near Boston and noticed that such meetings were critical to his teaching; he had come to realize that the feeling of community (and active participation) they produced made whatever time remained for the explicit curriculum far more productive than devoting the whole period to talking at rows of silent kids.  Together the students decided whether to review the homework in small groups or as a whole class.  Together they decided when it made sense to schedule their next test.  (After all, what’s the point of assessment – to have students show you what they know when they’re ready to do so, or to play “gotcha”?)  Interestingly, Grove says that his classes are quite structured even though they’re unusually democratic, and he sees his job as being “in control of putting students in control.”
  • The first is that deeper learning and enthusiasm require us to let students generate possibilities rather than just choosing items from our menu; construction is more important than selection. 
    Fall 2010 article by Alfie Kohn about things that don't work, and things that do for encouraging a real LOVE of reading. Includes some challenging comments about motivation and traditional methods for teaching reading.
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