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Cindy Marston

Remixing Shakespeare for 21st Century Students - Classroom 2.0 - 1 views

  • RECORDINGSFull Elluminate Recording: Log (open in word processor): Video (.mov):
    Link to recording of webinar on how to teach Shakespeare with digital media
Dana Huff

AudioOwl - Free Audio Books - Download mp3 and iPod format today! - 7 views

    Lots of free audio books (via Tech Chicks podcast).
Alison Hall

Painting Game - 0 views

    paint an audio story or sing a song. Play games or sign. from Something Special BBC.
Todd Finley

Huffduffer - 4 views

    "The power is in taking audio content - in podcast form or not - and creating something useful, a soundscape of the things you like or you think others would - and then using the ubiquitous RSS format to distribute that information." -
Cindy Marston

AudioOwl - 12 views

    free audio books - can be downloaded in mp3 and ipod format - lots of categories
lea magne

My That's English!: Audio Lingua - 0 views

  • The site is ideal for students who must face an end-of-year examination where listening comprehension plays an important role. On top of that, the growing trend towards authentic material in both teaching and exams makes this web invaluable.
    ressources pour la compréhension de l'oral
Ms. Nicholson

Africa: Names And Nations Of Note | Free Lesson Plans | Teachers | Digital textbooks an... - 0 views

    • Ms. Nicholson
      Look at the names in Things Fall Apart.  
  • Now divide the class into groups of four, and have each group select an African nation to investigate. Explain that each group will be creating a poster on its country. The poster should be divided into four sections, with a small map of the country (with the capital labeled) in the center. The group will be responsible for creating the map, but each member of the group will provide information for each of the four sections: Name origin and information Colonization information Current data and statistics Significant historical events
    • Ms. Nicholson
      Regions of Nigeria for Things Fall Apart. Regions in South Africa for Cry, the Beloved Country.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Each student should research the information for his or her section and complete the poster. Use the evaluation rubric to clarify your expectations before the students begin working.
  • Discuss and define some of the factors involved in colonization. Why do people colonize other places? 2. Throughout history, colonization has had both positive and negative effects. Consider and discuss these in light of the countries you have studied.
  • What are some of the problems that could arise for a country after it achieves independence? What are some of the consequences and responsibilities resulting from independence?
  • What should the role of the United Nations be in supporting and including nations that have achieved independence in the latter part of the 20th century? 7. Compare colonization in Africa with colonization in other parts of the world.
  • Spotlight on Africa Have students imagine they are producers for a news show called This Week in Africa . Ask the students to follow news about Africa for one week and develop a 30-second spot of about 60 to 75 words. Have them "present" their spots to the class. Africa Online provides an effective daily resource for this information (see Internet sites under Materials). After their presentations, categorize major news stories according to whether they show positive or negative aspects of the influence of the nations' colonial pasts.
    • Ms. Nicholson
      CCSS Speaking and Listening, Writing, Nonfiction texts.
  • Education, Intrigue, and Enjoyment! Ask your students to create travel brochures inviting other high school students to join an expedition to an African country. Explain that their brochures must be interesting and informative to both students and parents. Students should highlight geographic, cultural, educational, and entertainment features this expedition would offer.
  •    imperialism
  •    ethnocentric
Cindy Marston

Where to Find Free Literature and Literature Summaries - 1 views

    Great list of books, poems, and audio books available for free on the web
Dana Huff

Eighteenth-Century Audio - 9 views

    Recordings of 18th century American and British poetry.
Andrew Spinali

Why Students Should Run Professional Development For Teachers - 0 views

  • In my technology class, students are creating video tutorials that explain how their teachers can use various technologies and platforms (currently we’re making tutorials for Google Apps). The videos are simple for students to make, and we use Snagit to create a video recording of the computer screen, so teachers can see exactly how to use a product with audio narration from the student.  Screencasts also allow for anytime, anyplace, any pace learning on any device, which is ideal for a teacher’s busy lifestyle?” These student-created videos are important for two key reasons:
  • Students also love having input on their education. Asking them to help train teachers on technology and platforms they like and use empowers them, and captures their interest, so that when class begins, students are already prepared and engaged. That’s why my class – and hopefully many schools around the country – is making use of the technology and experts that we already have on site to enhance the learning experiences for students and teachers.
    Great article about how kids can help teachers when it comes to PD
Gloria Custodio

Full 30-minute program in MP3 format - 2 views

    Luci Tapahonso (native American poet) talks about poetry in English and Navaho.
    Luci Tapahonso (native American poet) talks about poetry in English and Navaho.
Todd Finley

A Colorado Conversation - Administrators - 0 views

  • Networking: The New Literacy
  • Our students must be nomadic, flexible, mobile learners who depend on their ability to connect with people and resources. As educators, we need to master this as well, we must know for ourselves how to create, grow, and navigate these collaborative spaces in safe, effective, and ethical ways. We need to create our own Personal Learning Networks not only to learn ourselves, but to model these shifts for our students. Come join this session with Friday’s Keynote Speaker Will Richardson as we discuss what steps administrators can take to ensure that they – and their schools – are meeting the needs of our students.
  • Capture Everything: What's worth capturing in my classrooms? My building? My district? Audio? Video? Text-based assignments? Student work? Writing? Share Everything: Where can I share it? With whom? What audiences is our organization working to serve? How will they benefit from these shared items? Who needs to see what’s going on? Open Everything: What are the closed silos of information in our schools that shouldn't be? What things outside of our schools have we closed (blocked)? What can we do to open both of those up? Only Connect: How can I help my students and teachers connect with content, with each other, and with others outside the classroom (students, teachers, experts, mentors, the community, etc.) in a meaningful way?
    • Todd Finley
      Good TRWP Cumulating Event
    Great link for an activity on new literacies
Dana Huff

Folger Podcasts -Folger Shakespeare Library - 9 views

    Folger podcasts.
Todd Finley

Voxopop - a whole new way to talk online - 6 views

    Instead of discussion forum, talkgroups
Rick Beach

Yodio - Add voice to photos - 7 views

shared by Rick Beach on 31 Oct 09 - Cached
    record comments about photos using cell phones
    This looks a great method for artistic expressiom in the classroom. Thanks.
Rick Beach

Free Internet Radio - Social Broadcasting | BlogTalkRadio - 2 views

    Create your own radio broadcast show for free on BlogTalkRadio
Dana Huff

The Word Exchange: Anglo Saxon Poems in Translation / Poems Out Loud - 8 views

    Anglo-Saxon poems translated and read out loud by folks like Seamus Heaney and Billy Collins.
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