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John Shaw

6 Things Big Japanese English Schools Look for in an English Teacher. - 0 views

    For beginning teachers who want to go over seas. This site help teacher to go to Japan or anywhere be prepared.
Learnerator AP Exam Prep

Free AP English Language Practice Questions - 0 views

    Tons of practice problems you can engage your students with as they prep for the upcoming AP English Language exam.

Share English Quiz Online: Lesson 01 - Incorrect word TOEFL - 0 views

    This test belongs to the English test Incorrect word TOEFL - Lesson 01, which consists of 20 multiple - choice questions in 25 minutes. Each question has 4 suggesting answers, you need to choose the most correct one.
lisa linda

How to Improve Your English Writing Skill - 0 views

    Good English writing skill is required at the present edge of time to apply for different jobs. Practice writing regularly and hone your performance and confidence.
Dana Huff

Gene Weingarten - Goodbye, cruel words: English. It's dead to me. - 7 views

    The English language, which arose from humble Anglo-Saxon roots to become the lingua franca of 600 million people worldwide and the dominant lexicon of international discourse, is dead. It succumbed last month at the age of 1,617 after a long illness. It is survived by an ignominiously diminished form of itself.
Caroline Bachmann

Abiator's Worksheets Vault - 0 views

    English Skills Worksheets for Grades 5-8
Dana Huff

English Tenses Timeline - 9 views

    Handy guide to English verb tenses that shows a progression in time from the past to the future.

TOEIC Test Vocabulary - English Test Quiz Online - 0 views

    Including the online English multiple - choice questions at level A, B, C, TOEFL, reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, speaking and listening tests,...

What are Vowels and Consonants in English? - 0 views

    Learn Vowels and Consonants in English.
Rob Belprez

High School ELA Lesson Support by Lexiconic Education Resources - 0 views

    This is a perfect collection of English lessons and resources for most High School Level classes.  It has all the traditional assignments, stories, skills, terms, and samples to pull from.
Your WritingGuru

Develop your English skills On-line with frequent Grammar Checks - 1 views

    Now you can Improve Your English Online Through Frequent Grammar Check. YourWritingGuru is the world's leading spelling and grammar online institute in thg USA.

Level B - Lesson 02 - English Quiz Online - 0 views

    Including the online English multiple - choice questions at level A, B, C, TOEFL, reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, speaking and listening tests,...
Gloria Custodio

Full 30-minute program in MP3 format - 2 views

    Luci Tapahonso (native American poet) talks about poetry in English and Navaho.
    Luci Tapahonso (native American poet) talks about poetry in English and Navaho.
Dana Huff

Old School by Tobias Wolff - 3 views

    Mike LoMonico shared this excerpt from "Old School" by Tobias Wolff which explains why English teachers are awesome.
Jenny Gilbert

Shambles in S.E.Asia (The Education Project Asia) : The English Department - 3 views

    A large range of resources collected in one place - will take some time to get around and discover what is there
Dana Huff

Zoho Writer - Choosing the Extended Essay2007 - 6 views

    St. Columba's College English department's transition year extended essay assignment is a great project.
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