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Allison Powell

Aesop and Ananse: Animal Fables and Trickster Tales | EDSITEment - 1 views

              Lesson/Moral                   Ask students to compare the characters, plot, and lessons of these stories. Which characters did they like best? Which did they like least? Which story had the best ending and why? Have students compare the animals and their behavior in each story: Why do the types of animals change or not from one culture's fable to the next? How does the behavior change according to the type of animal? What types of behaviors lead to what types of endings in these stories? To see how fables teach universal lessons about human nature and behavior, ask students to think of a real-life situation that applies to one of the stories.
Ms. Nicholson

Africa: Names And Nations Of Note | Free Lesson Plans | Teachers | Digital textbooks an... - 0 views

    • Ms. Nicholson
      Look at the names in Things Fall Apart.  
  • Now divide the class into groups of four, and have each group select an African nation to investigate. Explain that each group will be creating a poster on its country. The poster should be divided into four sections, with a small map of the country (with the capital labeled) in the center. The group will be responsible for creating the map, but each member of the group will provide information for each of the four sections: Name origin and information Colonization information Current data and statistics Significant historical events
    • Ms. Nicholson
      Regions of Nigeria for Things Fall Apart. Regions in South Africa for Cry, the Beloved Country.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Each student should research the information for his or her section and complete the poster. Use the evaluation rubric to clarify your expectations before the students begin working.
  • Discuss and define some of the factors involved in colonization. Why do people colonize other places? 2. Throughout history, colonization has had both positive and negative effects. Consider and discuss these in light of the countries you have studied.
  • What are some of the problems that could arise for a country after it achieves independence? What are some of the consequences and responsibilities resulting from independence?
  • What should the role of the United Nations be in supporting and including nations that have achieved independence in the latter part of the 20th century? 7. Compare colonization in Africa with colonization in other parts of the world.
  • Spotlight on Africa Have students imagine they are producers for a news show called This Week in Africa . Ask the students to follow news about Africa for one week and develop a 30-second spot of about 60 to 75 words. Have them "present" their spots to the class. Africa Online provides an effective daily resource for this information (see Internet sites under Materials). After their presentations, categorize major news stories according to whether they show positive or negative aspects of the influence of the nations' colonial pasts.
    • Ms. Nicholson
      CCSS Speaking and Listening, Writing, Nonfiction texts.
  • Education, Intrigue, and Enjoyment! Ask your students to create travel brochures inviting other high school students to join an expedition to an African country. Explain that their brochures must be interesting and informative to both students and parents. Students should highlight geographic, cultural, educational, and entertainment features this expedition would offer.
  •    imperialism
  •    ethnocentric
Christy White

The Museum of Humor Offers Fun #Lesson Plans - 0 views

    Links to fun lesson plans at all grade levels
Dana Huff

Reader Idea | Trees and Transcendentalists - - 7 views

    Great lesson plan to coordinate Tu B'Shevat, Arbor Day, environmentalism, and American poetry. Kudos, Kathleen Harsy.
Ms. Nicholson

A "defining moment" in editorial writing - 0 views

    A lesson plan on "defining moment" in editorial writing.
Joshua Sherk

Teaching Today | How-To Articles - 0 views

    Very resourceful stuff on Lesson Plans
Todd Finley

Curriki - FocusOn_LanguageArts - 4 views

    Lesson plans linked to standards. Some fine material is located here. The site is beautifully designed.
Dana Huff

Vignette: Teaching the Passive Voice - 0 views

    Lesson plan for teaching passive voice.

Langwitches » Blogging Lesson Plan- Writing - 0 views

    Writing their own blog posts can open up a whole new world for your students. Most likely it will be the first time that the readers of their work will be someone other than their teacher and possibly their parent.
Rick Beach

Outlines for Conceptual Units - 11 views

    lots of literature units and lesson plans
Dana Huff

Unit Plan: Homer's Iliad- Ancient Greeks Invade the Classroom: A River of Discourse wit... - 0 views

    Good unit plan on Homer's Iliad done by a student teacher for a portfolio. Some good handouts and questions.
Leigh Newton

Creativity Resource for Teachers » Elementary (grades K-5) - 1 views

    creativity inspired from art.
Ms. Nicholson

Adding support and detail without getting arrested! - 0 views

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