Ryan Goble, who often coaches teachers in what he calls the "mindful" use of technology, has written today's guest post on user-friendly tools that enable the creation of student projects.
Participating in an online discussion on events and issues in the news not only gives students a forum, but it also helps them build critical thinking, writing and news literacy skills and provides an opportunity to write for an authentic audience.
Held annually during the last week of September, Banned Books Week highlights the benefits of intellectual freedom and draws attention to the harms of censorship by spotlighting actual or attempted banning of books across the United States, including books commonly taught in secondary schools.
Here are ideas for celebrating Banned Books Week -- with your students, your children and anyone who believes in having "the freedom to read."
The most difficult high school students often drop out or skip class, while middle school teachers tend to face a full house. "Problematic kids in high school don't come to school anymore, but in middle school they still show up," said Barry M. Fein, the principal of Seth Low.