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Graca Martins

History of English - 0 views

    History of English (Source: A History of English by Barbara A. Fennell) The English language is spoken by 750 million people in the world as either the official language of a nation, a second language, or in a mixture with other languages (such as pidgins and creoles.) English is the (or an) official language in England, Canada, Australia and New Zealand; however, the United States has no official language. Indo-European language and people English is classified genetically as a Low West Germanic language of the Indo-European family of languages. The early history of the Germanic languages is based on reconstruction of a Proto-Germanic language that evolved into German, English, Dutch, Afrikaans, Yiddish, and the Scandinavian languages. In 1786, Sir William Jones discovered that Sanskrit contained many cognates to Greek and Latin. He conjectured a Proto-Indo-European language had existed many years before. Although there is no concrete proof to support this one language had existed, it is believed that many languages spoken in Europe and Western Asia are all derived from a common language. A few languages that are not included in the Indo-European branch of languages include Basque, Finnish, Estonian and Hungarian; of which the last three belong to the Finno-Ugric language family. Speakers of Proto-Indo-European (PIE) lived in Southwest Russia around 4,000 to 5,000 BCE. They had words for animals such as bear or wolf (as evidenced in the similarity of the words for these animals in the modern I-E languages.) They also had domesticated animals, and used horse-drawn wheeled carts. They drank alcohol made from grain, and not wine, indicating they did not live in a warm climate. They belonged to a patriarchal society where the lineage was determined through males only (because of a lack of words referring to the female's side of the family.) They also made use of a decimal counting system by 10's, and formed words by compounding. This PIE language was also highly infl
Calvin Nicholas

English Communication - Effective Workshop on Communication Part 2 - 1 views

    English Communication - Effective Workshop on Communication at BM English Speaking Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. BM English Speaking Institute in Mumbai conducts English Communication Skill Trainings with Grammar, Fluency, Confidence, Public Speaking, Body Language, Personality Development, Group Discussion, Presentation Skill, Business English, and Email Drafting.
Melody Velasco

The Best Resources For Learning About Multiple Intelligences | Larry Ferlazzo's Website... - 1 views

    Here are my choices for The Best Resources For Learning About Multiple Intelligences: For Students and For Teachers

annotation software ideas? - 18 views

I know! To give them freedom, I made my life easier by ordering an essay on the service, I have blended learning so I have this right. The quality of work was worth every penny spent. While availab...

Leigh Newton

Michelle's Blog - 0 views

  • This requires not only knowledge that people have thoughts that are different from our own (basic Theory of Mind concepts) but that they also can narrate a story across time and/or sequence so the reader can follow and make reasonable conclusions to avoid confusion (this is called narrative language). They also have to recognize that people move from ideas (gestalt or main idea) to thoughts (details). To help the reader the writer has to organize his information so that he introduces his idea and then supports it with a reasonable set of thoughts (details).
    • Leigh Newton
      Big ideas are not enough by themselves - they need details in order that the reader can understand.
  • 1. Teach them how we brainstorm information related to the topic we are going to write about. Most 2nd grade students learn about "brainstorming" through the use of what are called, "graphic organizers". "visual organizers" or "mind maps". This lesson needs to be extended for our students and taught much more extensively.
  • 2. Learn to tell the difference between ideas or what we call in writing "main ideas" and how these are different from "details".
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • 3. Work on pruning their thoughts they brainstorm by creating written outlines to serve as guidance for their work.4. For high school students, learn how to talk understand what an "opinion" is.
  • To motivate students to engage at this level of thinking and showing their thoughts by creating visual structures such as graphic organizers or visual outlines, we would provide them a grade for there production of these visual thinking supports. Thus, rather than receive a grade for the final written product, they would receive a grade for creating the graphic organizer and then the outline, etc.
  • By allowing them this time to work on thinking away from working producing written work allows all of us to re-focus and tune up the core skills of writing.
Lee Hall

Duolingo | Learn Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian and English for free - 0 views

    Fun course for language study.
Van Piercy

Mrs. Dutta Writes a Letter - 98.04 - 0 views

    • Van Piercy
      Interruptions of family and memory by media. Invasiveness of technology.
    • Van Piercy
      What thought exactly? Is there ambiguity here between the thought of her d-in-law's light skin and her roasted cumin skin?
  • he thought fills her with an uneasy pride.
  • ...52 more annotations...
  • while disembodied TV laughter echoes through the room
  • Mrs. Basu
    • Van Piercy
      Friend from India, old previous home.
  • Sagar
  • Shyamoli
  • Mrinalini
  • Pradeep
  • bent over a model plane.
  • Molli
  • labor strike, everything closed down, not even the buses running. But you can't really blame them, can you? After all, factory workers have to eat too.
  • Are you happy in America?
  • Mrs. Dutta knows that Mrs. Basu, who has been her closest friend since they both moved to Ghoshpara Lane as young brides, cannot be fobbed off with descriptions of Fisherman's Wharf and the Golden Gate Bridge, or even with anecdotes involving grandchildren. And so she has been putting off her reply, while in her heart family loyalty battles with insidious feelings of -- but she turns from them quickly and will not name them even to herself.
    • Van Piercy
      What is Mrs. D. struggling with? What are her concerns? What are her "insidious feelings"?
  • children being allowed to close their doors against their parents.
    • Van Piercy
      Culture clash over ideas of privacy and individuality.
  • though the minty toothpaste does not leave her mouth feeling as clean as does the bittersweet neem stick she's been using all her life.
  • "But, Mom, she's in there. She's been there forever... " Mrinalini says.
  • Whenever she lifted her hand to him, her heart was pierced through and through. Such is a mother's duty.
    • Van Piercy
      Conflicting ideas of corporal punishment and the role or place (?) of familial, maternal bonds.
  • Mrs. Dutta bends over the sink, fists tight in the folds of her sari. Hard with the pounding in her head to think what she feels most -- anger at the children for their rudeness, or at Shyamoli for letting them go unrebuked. Or is it shame she feels (but why?), this burning, acid and indigestible, that coats her throat in molten metal?
    • Van Piercy
      Difficulty of the culture clash, its costs.
  • alu dum
  • the meat safe
    • Van Piercy
      Notions of privation? Language and terminology.
  • ground fresh by Reba, the maid,
    • Van Piercy
      The maid!
  • coriander, cumin, cloves, black pepper, a few red chilies for vigor
  • Proper Indian food
  • "cholesterol," "all putting on weight," "she's spoiling you."
  • she might as well admit it a disappointment.
  • For this she blames, in part, the Olan Mills portrait. Perhaps it was foolish of her to set so much store by a photograph, especially one taken years ago. But it was such a charming scene -- Mrinalini in a ruffled white dress with her arm around her brother, Pradeep chubby and dimpled in a suit and bow tie, a glorious autumn forest blazing red and yellow behind them. (Later Mrs. Dutta was saddened to learn that the forest was merely a backdrop in a studio in California, where real trees did not turn such colors.)
    • Van Piercy
      Fake America.
  • A strange concept, a day set aside to honor mothers. Did the sahibs not honor their mothers the rest of the year, then?)
  • others, who thought of her as a shy, sheltered woman
  • being mistress of her own life
  • Even in bed she'd been at the center of the household,
    • Van Piercy
      The change of her role.
  • Therefore she had no reason to get well.
  • even though they have put away, somewhere in the back of a closet, the vellum-bound Ramayana for Young Readers that she carried all the way from India in her hand luggage.
    • Van Piercy
      Sad loss of heritage, traditions, hopes of previous generation.
  • Indian Shyamoli, the docile bride she'd mothered for a month before putting her on a Pan Am flight to join her husband
    • Van Piercy
      Some of Shyamoli's background.
  • And being the only Indian family on the street, we have to be extra careful. People here sometimes"
    • Van Piercy
      Bits of racism.
  • She knew she should not store unclean clothes in the same room where she kept the pictures of her gods. That would bring bad luck. And the odor.
    • Van Piercy
      A basic metaphysical distinction for her: clean, holy versus dirty, profane.  And how it works in her world versus an American's world.
  • wisps of lace, magenta and sea- green and black, that were her panties,
  • he wished the ground would open up and swallow her, like the Sita of mythology.
    • Van Piercy
      Differences in sense of modesty, what to be embarrassed about. 
  • "No, no, no, clothes and all is no work for the man of the house. I'll do it."
    • Van Piercy
      Old gender roles, but also her sense of modesty.
  • So she has taken to washing her clothes in the bathtub when she is alone
  • Ignorance, as Mrs. Dutta knows well from years of managing a household, is a great promoter of harmony
Alison Hall

Learning Vocabulary Fun - 1 views

    Vocabulary Building for K-12 & ESL Students
Cindy Marston

Learning technology teacher development blog for ELT - 0 views

    tech help blog for English teachers
Calvin Nicholas

English Fluency Training Video - Meditation on Thinking in English - 6 views

    English Fluency Training Video - Meditation on How to think in English at BM English Speaking Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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