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betsy stone

Zenith silica sand making machine price - 1 views

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started by betsy stone on 15 Jul 14
  • betsy stone
    In view of theconstant rotation of the amalgamating plate while the water is flowing from the mill through screen carrying the milled product with it as the casing rotates, causes the gold to readily cling to the amalgam surface.After the milled ore has been retained on the plate long enough to beturned over many times it moves off and dropsinto trap 54.The amalgam trap 54 will collect quick silver,silica sand mining gold and other losses which leaves plate 55 if any and the outer lip of trap 54 may byraiseda little higher than the level of amalgamating plate 55 depending upon the ore and the operators judgment as there should be but very little of the values pass over the outer lip of trap 54.

    The amalgamating plate 55 is preferably composed of a silvered copper plate or plates and as the ground material passes thereover and free gold contained therein will be attracted by the amalgamating plate as just stated. Said plate, after a certain period of operation, is removed and the amalgam distilleld in well known manner to recover the golc,mobile crusher indonesia.If it is desired to change the pitch or incline of casing 23. for the most effective treatment of various materials, the operator loos-- ens bolts 17 and moves bearings 18 and 19 along plate 16 toward or away from each other depending upon whether a greater or less pitch is desired and as bearings 18 and 19 are moved, rollers 22 are moved therewith and consequently casing 23, the track 24 of which rides on rollers 22, is correspondingly changed in pitch or inclination.

    As the pitch of casing 23 is altered, shaft 27 moves therewith remaining at all times in alinement with the longitudinal axis of casing 23, such movement of shaft 27 being permitted through the co-operating spherical seat 32 and spherical bearing shell 33, gear 36 and worm 37 remaining in operative engagement during any pitch alternations of casing 23 and shaft 27 ,due to bearings 39 for shaft 38 being carried by plates 41 movable in an arc whose center corresponds with that of the spherical engaging surfaces 32 and 33, it being only necessary in such adjustments to tighten or loosen the belt co-operating with pulley 62.

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