Contents contributed and discussions participated by Julian Knight
ENHANCEMENT REQUEST: Stumble Upon - 56 views
Hi, I really like diigo and use it all the time now instead of my browser bookmarks.
I like the fact that I can simultaneously post a bookmark to but I would also like to be able to post to StumbleUpon as well - does anyone have a way of doing this easily?
Cheers. J. -
Hi, I'm going to try and generate more interest here - doesn't anyone use both Diigo and StumbleUpon?
If you do, surely you would appreciate being able to bookmark in one place only?
Regards, J.
Jules K wrote:
> Hi, I really like diigo and use it all the time now instead of my browser bookmarks.
> I like the fact that I can simultaneously post a bookmark to but I would also like to be able to post to StumbleUpon as well - does anyone have a way of doing this easily?
> Cheers. J. -
Thanks for the reply, it is a shame that this is the case. I wonder what is happening - do we need to look for a replacement to diigo do you think? It would be a real pity as I really use it a lot - I've currently got 1085 bookmarks, many with annotations and notes. Maybe I need to look at making sure I have a decent backup.
Regards, Jules.
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So is Diigo dying or what?