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anshu verma

WHO endorses step towards safer food | zetta HealthEver - 0 views

    World Health Organization (WHO) considering need of safety of food launched 'free from microbes, viruses and chemicals' as a theme for this world Health day. Health services in India shared that ev...
Alex Parker

Minute mercenaries - tackling nuclear waste with microbiology - 1 views

    Groundbreaking research showing the potential of microbes to treat radioactive waste has shed light on how toxic materials could be disposed of in the future.

Microbial Seed Treatment Market size and Key Trends in terms of volume and value 2015-2025 - 0 views

    According to the purpose microbial seed treatment market is segmented in seed disinfestation, seed disinfection and seed protection. Seed disinfestation includes control over disease organism on the surface of seed; seed disinfection includes control over internally seed borne pathogens and seed pro
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