Be it known that I, N. D. CLARK, of Bentonsport, in the county of Van Buren and State of-Iowa, have invented a new and useful Machine for Washing Gold, which I propose to call the Gold-Hunter; and I do hereby declare that the following is a full, clear, and exact description of the construction and operation of the same, reference being had to the annexed drawings, making a part of this specification,rolling mill machinery and equipment canada, in which- Figure 1 is a perspective view, Fig. 2 a longitudinal sectional elevation, Fig. 3 a transverse section, Fig. 4 a plane view, of the upper pan or separator Fig. 5, a side view of a detached portion of the agitator, of which Fig. 6 is a plane view 5 Fig. 7, a plane view of the lower or gold pan with the agitator laid aside; Fig. 8, a contrivance to work the agitator.
a b c d is a pan of any required dimensions-say, four feet long, two feet wide, and six inches deep-open at one end, b c. In general I make this pan of sheet-iron, the bottom of what is commonly called tomiron, perforated with holes, the number and size of which vary according to circumstances. A part of these holes-say every alternate row-I punch in the usual way, from the upper side downward, with a common round punch. The others I punch through in the opposite direction-that is, from the under side upward with a square or three-cornered punch with an obtuse point,stone crusher for sale in canada, so as to throw a spur on the upper side. I also provide this pan with a second bottom, either attached or separate, Figs. 1 and 2, the dark shade, c d, made hollowing or inclined from the sides inward to the point 01, where there is an opening downward. I also attach to the open end of this pan a series of elastic strips, inclined a little edgewise, so as to leave open spaces between them, with a spout under them, as shown at 0, Fig. 1, attached as at b c, Fig. 4. e f g h is another pan, of the same dimensions as the one already described, it being most convenient in case of working them together to have them the same size. I make the bottom of this pan rough or uneven by a series of indentations or otherwise. I also divide it off into sections by inserting strips edgewise from side to side across the bottom, either curved like the rim of a common pan, as shown at 'i' j is,
Fig. 7, or otherwise formed, and fastened to the sides and bottom. The width of these strips is equal to any required depth of" the sections thus formed--say an inch and a half. I also provide this pan with an agitator, Fig. 6, in which 5 6 7 are rollers, connected together with cross-pieces at the ends, so that they will turn on their axes, and fastened to the pan in the relative position shown by the dotted lines, Fig. 7, at the points m nfg by means of thumb-screws or otherwise, so that it can be raised or lowered at pleasure. To the under side of each of said rollers I fix the paddles a a u a and the lever '0, Fig. 5. I connect said levers 'v o c, Fig. 8, (which is a transverse section of the agitator,) to the coupling-bar s t 2 by means of joints at 9 9 9. I
a b c d is a pan of any required dimensions-say, four feet long, two feet wide, and six inches deep-open at one end, b c. In general I make this pan of sheet-iron, the bottom of what is commonly called tomiron, perforated with holes, the number and size of which vary according to circumstances. A part of these holes-say every alternate row-I punch in the usual way, from the upper side downward, with a common round punch. The others I punch through in the opposite direction-that is, from the under side upward with a square or three-cornered punch with an obtuse point,stone crusher for sale in canada, so as to throw a spur on the upper side. I also provide this pan with a second bottom, either attached or separate, Figs. 1 and 2, the dark shade, c d, made hollowing or inclined from the sides inward to the point 01, where there is an opening downward. I also attach to the open end of this pan a series of elastic strips, inclined a little edgewise, so as to leave open spaces between them, with a spout under them, as shown at 0, Fig. 1, attached as at b c, Fig. 4. e f g h is another pan, of the same dimensions as the one already described, it being most convenient in case of working them together to have them the same size. I make the bottom of this pan rough or uneven by a series of indentations or otherwise. I also divide it off into sections by inserting strips edgewise from side to side across the bottom, either curved like the rim of a common pan, as shown at 'i' j is,
Fig. 7, or otherwise formed, and fastened to the sides and bottom. The width of these strips is equal to any required depth of" the sections thus formed--say an inch and a half. I also provide this pan with an agitator, Fig. 6, in which 5 6 7 are rollers, connected together with cross-pieces at the ends, so that they will turn on their axes, and fastened to the pan in the relative position shown by the dotted lines, Fig. 7, at the points m nfg by means of thumb-screws or otherwise, so that it can be raised or lowered at pleasure. To the under side of each of said rollers I fix the paddles a a u a and the lever '0, Fig. 5. I connect said levers 'v o c, Fig. 8, (which is a transverse section of the agitator,) to the coupling-bar s t 2 by means of joints at 9 9 9. I