> … notes in the wrong order :( > > The chronology, which is most important, is upside down; > comparable to back-to-front printing of a front-to-back book.
I've been thrashing the service fairly hard, carelessly applying highlights out of order then finding them in order within my library, so I'll tag this one resolved, touch wood :-)
Keyword: order
Pleasing behaviour
Diigolet 3.1b506 view of https://bugzilla.osafoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12459
* does present page comments in good order :)
(Side note: comments pane of the annotations window is too cramped,
that's already http://www.diigo.com/04lt7 (accessibility).)
Poor/contentious behaviour
Diigo Toolbar, Firefox 3.0.5 view of
http://www.diigo.com/list/grahamperrin/osaf-votes | Bug 12459… | Expand
http://www.diigo.com/user/grahamperrin/diigodisorder | Expand
* all three present notes in the wrong order :(
The chronology, which is most important, is upside down;
comparable to back-to-front printing of a front-to-back book.
Most noticeable in the Diigo Sidebar | This URL | Annotations
view of the page:
* one side of the window (the right hand side) is in good order;
the reader scrolls down
from start to finish
* one side of the window (the Diigo left hand side) gives us
parallel scrolling down with the opposite effect:
from finish to start.
http://www.diigo.com/user/grahamperrin/diigodisorder | Comment
* presents the dialogue for the new (most recent) comment at a far distance from other recent comments:
recent ... less recent ... oldest .... newest
Reviewing http://groups.diigo.com/Diigo_HQ/forum/9249 I wonder whether annotations extracted from https://bugzilla.osafoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12459 will be in good order.
Bug http://groups.diigo.com/Diigo_HQ/forum/topic/-9625 blocks me from testing.
> I class as a priority
> … notes in the wrong order :(
> The chronology, which is most important, is upside down;
> comparable to back-to-front printing of a front-to-back book.
Again at http://www.diigo.com/list/grahamperrin/handhelds?v=p my notes have been reversed.
Notes appear in the wrong order and can not be corrected.
When I'm aiming for good presentation, good order, it's really annoying to find things forced into completely the wrong order.
I should not be forced to read back to front, to work back to front (when adding notes) to produce an orderly end result.
Sometimes, highlights are out of order.
The order is currently wrong at all of the following:
(Order is also wrong at http://about.diigo.com/about/googleblog.blogspot.com%2F2009%2F07%2Fintroducing-google-chrome-os.html but I half-expect things to be more mixed in that UI.)
The order was originally better (correct?) at
http://groups.diigo.com/Web2/bookmark/tag/%22Google%20Chrome%20OS%22 (I copied my bookmark to that group) but now the order is wrong, there, too :(
Maybe not.
The current order of highlights at
http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fnews.worldofapple.com%2Farchives%2F2009%2F07%2F18%2Ftalk-of-o2-exclusivity-ending?tab=comment&uname=grahamperrin does not match the order on the underlying page.
Maybe they will fall into place later? If so, the highlight
iPhone 3G.
that currently appears in fifth place, will move up to fourth place.
Another example:
At http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sussex.ac.uk%2FUnits%2Fsso%2Fttable%2Froomfac.php?tab=comment&uname=grahamperrin
1. the highlights are in the wrong order
2. for the third highlight, all sticky notes are out of order (reversed).
Whilst running highlights over http://www.futuregovconsultancy.com/index.php/2009/07/27/what-social-technologies-mean-for-public-services using Diigolet 3.1b538, I temporarily switched off highlights so that I could perform overlapping highlights.
The highlight
moving from e-gov to we-gov
is an overlap of the highlight
I can't remember which of the two I highlighted first (sorry) but the two were drawn in succession, one immediately after the other.
http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.futuregovconsultancy.com%2Findex.php%2F2009%2F07%2F27%2Fwhat-social-technologies-mean-for-public-services?tab=comment&uname=grahamperrin we see that the two highlights are non-adjacent, one has leaped to the top.
Three variants of disorder for a single bookmark: