This is a great tool, but to make it better I propose that the list of bookmarks shows the site favicon rather than the default grey square bullet. When I store a bookmark in FireFox the little icon comes with it and makes selection of that site from a list easier. If the "My Bookmark" list had that same support, all the visual learners (like many of my students) might be able to navigate quicker.
The widget offers a range of options, for this forum I tend to choose HTML | Image or HTML | Thumb
Hint: the HTML produced by the widget includes a leading -n that should be trimmed. A minor issue, negligible. Some day I'll report it to the developer (could be an issue with my system).
More recently I'm using Wuala for online storage, and to serve images, mainly because it's so well integrated with the operating system. But that's yet another subject :)
Is helpful/relevant?
Paul Welsh wrote:
> I tried to paste a screen shot into my earlier post, but couldn't
> figure it out. How?
The short answer is that you can't upload images to a Diigo group forum, but you can use HTML to present an image from a service other than Diigo.
Here with Mac OS X 10.5.6, I use a third party Dashboard widget to upload to my ImageShack account:
The widget offers a range of options, for this forum I tend to choose
HTML | Image
HTML | Thumb
Hint: the HTML produced by the widget includes a leading
that should be trimmed. A minor issue, negligible. Some day I'll report it to the developer (could be an issue with my system).
There are alternatives such as but I can't get the latter to work (an issue with connections to ImageShack services?) so I tend to stick with what I know.
More recently I'm using Wuala for online storage, and to serve images, mainly because it's so well integrated with the operating system. But that's yet another subject :)
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