I have had Nightly Tester Tools installed since the first betas for Firefox 3.0. It doesn't fix whatever problem arises from Diigo's interaction withe Firefox 3.5 Beta 4.
What I don't understand is why login credentials are not included in Diigo's options/preference settings, thereby providing for permanent inclusion of user login info in the Diigo settings file instead of (apparently) relying upon stored cookies as the vehicle for storing user login info. Cookies are a much less reliable storage medium.
Thanks for your responses. How do I get someone from diigo to address this issue. Autologin worked. For firefo rmd thru beta 3.3 Final release for 3.5 will be sometime this summer, so diigo will have to address it soon anyway, I would think. I don't really care how diigo does it, but Mozilla itelf uses a stored login/ password for its Weave extension, Google does same for Google toolbarn StumbleUpon does same for its toolbar, AccuWeather does same for its extension, etc. Apparently all these vendors find it acceptable from a security perspective to store passwords locally.
> The problem I experienced related to a beta version of Firefox. I > eventually realized it wasn't Diigo specific in any way
Thanks to Jim for the positive feedback. It's good to know that the problem was not related to Diigo. With that in mind I have removed the Diigo-related tags from this topic.
* operating system
* browser
* toolbar.
Firefox 3.5 beta 4
Diigo version
WindowsServer 2003 SP2
Firefox 3.5 beta 4
Diigo version
Thanks in advance for any guidance anyone can provide.
That version of Firefox is not supported.
If there's something more to the workaround, could you please provide me a link to it. Thanks!
What I don't understand is why login credentials are not included in Diigo's options/preference settings, thereby providing for permanent inclusion of user login info in the Diigo settings file instead of (apparently) relying upon stored cookies as the vehicle for storing user login info. Cookies are a much less reliable storage medium.
> storing user login info.
* the cookie contains no credentials, no login info
* the cookie is granted after secure communication of credentials.
> permanent inclusion of user login info in the Diigo settings file
From a security perspective, passwords should never be stored in preference/settings files.
Thanks for your responses. How do I get someone from diigo to address this issue. Autologin worked. For firefo rmd thru beta 3.3
Final release for 3.5 will be sometime this summer, so diigo will have to address it soon anyway, I would think. I don't really care how diigo does it, but Mozilla itelf uses a stored login/ password for its Weave extension, Google does same for Google toolbarn StumbleUpon does same for its toolbar, AccuWeather does same for its extension, etc.
Apparently all these vendors find it acceptable from a security perspective to store passwords locally.
Anyway, thanks for your help,
Diigo people periodically remind us (the group) that all messages are read by them but that (for example) they
> may not be able to answer every single email / post personally :-)
I guess that attention will not shift to beta versions of browsers until after priority issues have been addressed.
Kind regards
Since upgrade to Firefox 3.5, I can't stay signed in.
Diigo keeps logging me out
> The problem I experienced related to a beta version of Firefox. I
> eventually realized it wasn't Diigo specific in any way
Thanks to Jim for the positive feedback. It's good to know that the problem was not related to Diigo. With that in mind I have removed the Diigo-related tags from this topic.
This topic (originated by Jim) remains resolved.