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4 Strategies to Energize and Focus Your Students | Edutopia - 0 views

  • 1. Engage Student Leadership in the Classroom
  • 2. Involve as Many Students as Possible 
  • 3. Give the Students an Urgent Reason to Learn
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • 4. Help Students Feel Success
    Ikasleen atzentzioa eta dinamizazioa hobetzeko 4 estrategia

Twitter For Learning: 7 Ideas For Using Hashtags In The Classroom - 1 views

  • Create a topic hashtag for your class and have your students tweet answers to questions posted on the class Twitter account.
  • Use them as a class messaging system
  • Have your students engage in class discussion through the use of Twitter. This would be done as a discussion thread with educators posting questions and students answering back using Twitter.
    Twitter ikasgelan hashtags-a erabiliz
Itziar Ayestaran

eFeedback: ICT tools I use to give my students high-quality feedback | Oxford Universit... - 0 views

    Unibertsitateko irakasle batek IKTen erabileraren onurak azaltzen ditu artikulu honetan!!!Interesgarria!
Itziar Ayestaran

This Teacher Made A Video About His Star Student Trying To Get Into College. She's Not ... - 0 views

    Merezi du ikustea!
Maialen Arnedo

Too Much Technology and Not Enough Learning? | Edutopia - 0 views

  • we are at a point where our students spend more time using technology and less time actually learning.
  • Of course, if geographically disparate groups of students need to collaborate, technology certainly can help, but even still it can never fully replace face-to-face interaction.
  • Now, if the communication is attached to a project, as in collaboration via Evernote, Assemblee or FieldNotes, then I can see a purpose and a reason to share thoughts with each other, but that could be done just as easily face-to-face -- which is more powerful still.
Aritz Juan

Free Technology for Teachers: Almost Everything Students Need to Know About the United ... - 0 views

    NBEaren funtzionamenduaren berri ematea beharrezkoa da Gizarteko klasean, nire ustez. Honetarako, baliabide ugari daude, baina hau baino aproposagorik ez dut aurkitu.
Itziar Ayestaran

Surprise! - 0 views

    Inoiz ingelesa irakatsi beharko bazenuteke... Orrialde baliagarria izan liteke!
Oscar Calleja

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 8 Excellent Tools for Formative Assessment ... - 2 views

Maialen Arnedo

Read With Me - 0 views

  • assessment platform for monitoring oral reading
  • Built by teachers with students and parents in mind.
    "Read With Me" ahozko irakurketaren prozesuaren jarraipena egiteko aplikazio interesgarria da. Ikasleak eta gurasoak kontuan harturik zenbait irakaslek sortu dute.
maialen etxabe

20 Ways to Provide Effective Feedback to Your Students ~ Educational Technology and Mob... - 0 views

    Ikasleei Feedback egokia emateko 20 era
Aritz Juan

Free Technology for Teachers: Try These Word Cloud Tools to Help Students Analyze Writing - 1 views

    Hitz Hodeiak erabiltzea modu on bat izan daiteke ikasleen idazkerari erreparatzeko.
Ekhi Galdos

Twitter as a Powerful Educational Tool | Using Twitter Hashtags - 0 views

    Think Twitter is just a waste of time? Think again. Its organizational structure makes it an effective tool for connecting with students and others online. On Feb. 10th 2011, the world was transfixed on the protests raging in Egypt.
Maialen Arnedo

Podcasting: Do-it-yourself professional learning - 1 views

  • Educators across the globe can now choose between traditional professional learning — as mandated by the district or state — and nontraditional modes of learning such as teacher-led conferences
  • Teachers can create powerful learning experiences for themselves and each other as well as for their students.
    Irakaskuntzan irakasleentzako (eta era berean, ikasleentzako) erabilgarri izan daitezkeen zenbait aplikazioren berri ematen zaigu artikulu honetan.
Guillermo Sanz

The Power of Being Seen | Edutopia - 0 views

    Ikasle bakoitza agerikoa izan behar da. The importance of making every child visible
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