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Jeff Johnson

The Evolution of Apple Design Between 1977-2008 | Webdesigner Depot - 0 views

    With the 25th anniversary of the first Macintosh computer coming up on January 24th, 2009, we're taking a look back in time at the evolution of Apple products. Most have been notable leaps forward, while some were famous flops. Whether or not their inventions were accepted by the marketplace, Apple has consistently put out products that raise the bar for the computer and telecommunications industry. The list compiled for this article is by no means a complete compilation of all Apple products. We chose to highlight those products where the design changes are best appreciated.

B2B Demand Gen: The Next Evolution of 5 Tried-And-True Tactics - B2B Prospex - 0 views

    B2B is going through a demanding phase, the brands are facing critical competition, need to get with the next evolution of tried & true tactics of marketing
Gerrick de Castro

What Your iPad 2 Is Missing - 0 views

    Development, if not evolution, is something that is inevitable.
Dialaphone UK

Has iPad Turned the Page on the Traditional Book? | Mobile Phone Blog - 0 views

    "Libraries are dying and so too are the reams of paper and collage of words that populate them. But this is no modern-day Bonfire of the Vanities - after all, everybody knows that libraries are dying because they've read about it. However, in the place of the antiquated villains of ignorance or illiteracy, libraries are being threatened by another foe: the digital evolution of pretty much everything."
Jeff Johnson

Hi. I'm a PC … and I Was Made on a Mac (John Paczkowski - Digital Daily) - 0 views

    "A PC is not a stereotype. And neither are you. If you're a PC, you belong to a community of more than a billion individuals, working, playing, and connecting. Doing their own thing. If you're a PC, we want to celebrate you. So stand up." - Microsoft, "A PC is Not a Steroetype" The irony is enough to make your head explode. The latest evolution of Microsoft's new ad campaign-the one designed to seize back control of the Windows PC image that Apple has so mercilessly tarred and feathered-wasn't even made on a PC. It was made on a Mac. Metadata in the images of the stereotyped PC user featured on Microsoft's "I'm a PC" site reveal that they were produced using Macs running Adobe Creative Suite 3, not PCs running Microsoft Expression Studio software. My God. This is how Microsoft and its ad agency hope to turn Apple's disparagement to their advantage?
Jeff Johnson

untitled - 0 views

  • The first Apple logo was a complex picture of Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree. The logo was inscribed: "Newton … A Mind Forever Voyaging Through Strange Seas of Thought … Alone." It was designed by Ronald Wayne, who along with Wozniak and Jobs, actually founded Apple Computer. In 1976, after only working for two weeks at Apple, Wayne relinquished his stock (10% of the company) for a one-time payment of $800 because he thought Apple was too risky! (Had he kept it, Wayne’s stock would be worth billions!)

Download Nokia 6600 Free Mobile game: Ferrari GT Evolution - 0 views

    Anyway, for your information, the game also run on other Nokia S60v2 and S60v3 phones, so I guess almost everyone of you can play it freely :D Moreover, the game can also run on Sony Ericsson phones!
Jochen Burkhard

The Evolution of Apple Ads | Webdesigner Depot - 1 views

    Apple first started advertising its products in the late 1970s. The 80s showed a wide variety of ads, some of which served to convince consumers that they should purchase a computer, and specifically an Apple. These ads were text-heavy and light on images, as were many computer and technology ads from that era. Apple ads really came into their heyday during the 1990s, with the "Think Different" campaign, which became very popular as they featured a number of famous people. Here's a stunning compilation of some of Apple's most notable advertisements from the 70s until the present day, including a few videos ads.
    A great collection of Ads from Apple since the 70s... Enjoy.
mahmed azam

انتل تطور سيارة بمصابيح ذكية تخفى الامطار اثناء القيادة - 0 views

    حوادث الطرق من اكثر المشكلات التى يجب ان تلقى اهتمام خاص من قبل شركات تكنولوجيا المعلومات وفى هذا الاطار قامت شركة إنتل المتخصصة في رقائق ومعالجات الكمبيوتر بالتعاون مع جامعة كارنيجى ميلون الأمريكية بـ اختراع سيارة ذكية مزودة بمصابيح أمامية تجعل قطرات المطر غير مرئية للسائقين.
lu yang

Apple: Samsung copied too much even Google could not stand - 1 views

The patent dispute between Apple and Samsung next week a formal trial, although not yet a formal trial, but the two sides have begun a war of words. It is reported that Apple plans to use the Samsu...

apple android tablet

started by lu yang on 30 Jul 12 no follow-up yet
lu yang

Apple: Samsung copied too much even Google could not stand - 0 views

    The patent dispute between Apple and Samsung next week a formal trial, although not yet a formal trial, but the two sides have begun a war of words. It is reported that Apple plans to use the Samsung contents of the file to defend, some of which File, Samsung smart phones and android tablet pcs and Apple iPhone (parameter picture sample evaluation) and iPad are surprisingly similar, it is also within the company The issue had been discussed, but has also been a clear warning of Google and other third-party companies. Apple said in the trial file: "Samsung's documents show that Samsung products with Apple products is not accidental, not Samsung's own claim that" natural evolution ", on the contrary, it is Samsung intentionally copied the result of sales of the iPhone and the iPad appearance, icon design and intuitive user interface Samsung's public statements and the contents of the file inconsistencies, Apple will be based on the file to defend. " Some evidence in the trial documents show, Samsung is not only interested in copying the iPhone and iPad some of the features and functionality, this bad behavior has also been a clear warning of Google and other third-party companies. The following are the some of the more persuasive view Apple excerpt from the files of the trial: - In February 2010, Google had explicitly told Samsung, the latter "P1" and P3 google android tablet (Galaxy Tab and Galaxy Tab 10.1) and the iPad is too similar, and requested the Samsung P3, with the iPad distinguish off. ung's product design team pointed out that the Galaxy S and iPhone 4S looks much like the "regrettable". - Samsung launched a formal assessment of some well-known designers had warned Samsung, Galaxy S "from the outside over-copied the design of the iPhone, Samsung should have its own innovation." The designers explained that the "Galaxy S is very similar appearance with the iPhone, there is no significant difference if you put the Samsung Logo on the product cove
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