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Anne Bubnic

Digital Citizenship: iKeepSafe partnership with WoogiWorld - 1 views

    iKeepSafe partnered with Woogi World to reach children and educators directly. Children will learn more effectively about digital citizenship including cybersafety, security, and ethics through the moderated kid to kid interaction, the online challenges or "episodes", and parental/educator involvement. Marsali Hancock, iKeepSafe Coalition President, says, "Woogi World allows us to create content which organically combines cybercitzenship education, play, and academic learning in a way that is exciting for kids."
Anne Bubnic

A Look Into Virtual World Teaching with Elementary Kids [pdf] - 1 views

    Students in the digi-teen project had to teach others in their school about digital citizenship. They chose the Woogi World virtual environment and to work with fourth grade students, showing them the importance of safety, balance and respect on the Internet.
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