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in title, tags, annotations or urlCalifornia AB 86 Assembly Bill - Pupil Safety - 0 views
The California Department of Education (CDE) and the Office of the Attorney General (AG) co-administer the School/Law Enforcement Partnership program. The Partnership has funded the Kern County Office of Education for a five-year period to administer the statewide School Safety and Violence Prevention Training Grant. The grant provides for safe schools planning, bullying prevention, and crisis response training. This training program does not currently include prevention of bullying that occurs via electronic communication devices. Need for the bill : A poll commissioned in 2006 by Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, showed that one in three teens and one in six preteens have been victims of cyber bullying and that more than 2 million of those victims told no one about the attacks.
CTAP4 Cybersafety Project - 0 views
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The California Technology Assistance Project (CTAP Region IV) is a state-funded agency that has been a leader in cybersafety education for the California public school system since 1997. We have invested hundreds of hours into research on topics related to cybersafety education and curriculum development. We work in partnership with school districts, Safe School Planning teams and the local Educational Advocate for AT&T in the SF Bay Area. We have many great resources posted on our site for educators, parents and kids.
California lawmakers consider cyberbullying bill - 0 views
Assembly Bill 86, introduced by Assemblyman Ted Lieu of Torrance, passed the Senate on Monday by a 12-11 vote and now heads back to the Assembly for consideration of Senate amendments, according to an Associated Press report. If the Assembly approves the Senate amendments, the bill will be sent to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Lieu's bill would allow students to be suspended or expelled from school for bullying that occurs via electronic communication, including cell phones, computers, or pagers.
Experts say the biggest obstacle to combating cyberbullying is that children are unlikely to report it. Unlike real-life bullying, there is often no witness or physical scar to alert parents or teachers to a cyberbullying situation.
Cybersafety Resources for Educators - 131 views
Adina's Deck Fabulous School Assembly Program! Although the team is based in the San Francisco Bay Area, they travel and give present... - 0 views
Leadership, Education & Etiquette - On or Offline [LEO] - 0 views
They are now developing a Web site to help educate their peers on the same issues and plan to visit elementary and middle school students this year to pass on Internet safety messages. Students also created individual blogs this week. "We're trying to develop youth to be leaders in the city and the state and the nation and the world. With the Internet, it's not just local," said Akua Goodrich, the program's director who helped found the Power Unit for Motivating Youth, an after-school and mentoring program in the city. "We have to prepare them to be safe and help spread the message."
"When you're a kid, you don't want to listen to an adult who doesn't know what you're going through," she said. "You're much more open to listen to your peers talk to you. It's more interesting."
The Leadership, Education and Etiquette - On and Offline, or [Leo ] Student Leadership Training Project ended Friday with a debriefing and motivational words by the program's adult leaders. It wrapped up four days of training in which the 26 teens learned about cyber safety and social networking issues as well as peer-to-peer marketing and career preparations.
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This bill would specify that bullying, as used in these provisions,means one or more acts by a pupil or a group of pupils directed against another pupil that constitutes sexual harassment, hate violence, or severe or pervasive intentional harassment, threats, or intimidation that is disruptive, causes disorder, and invades the rights of others by creating an intimidating or hostile educational environment, and includes\nacts that are committed personally or by means of an electronic act, as defined.
Existing law prohibits the suspension, or recommendation for expulsion, of a pupil from school unless the principal determines that the pupil has committed any of various specified acts, including, but not limited to, hazing, as defined. This bill, in addition, would give school officials grounds to suspend a pupil or recommend a pupil for expulsion for bullying, including, but not limited to, bullying by electronic act.