Interesting article on the The Aboriginal concept of time - 1 views
Barak Ben Hanan on 26 Mar 13An intresting passage from the articel that reminds me also of the permaculture zones: Some cultures do not perceive time as an exclusively linear phenomenon and their time calendars consist of multiple and simultaneously existing time categories such as 'practical time', 'social time', 'religious time', 'dream time', etc. Many Indigenous people and a number of non- Indigenous cultures do not perceive time as linear and describe it as having a 'circular' or 'cyclic' form. According to such a conceptualisation of time, time is perceived as 'static' and the individual person is 'in the centre of time' (i.e. surrounded by concentric 'time circles'). Life events are placed in time along and across the 'time circles' according to their relative importance to the individual and his or her respective community (i.e. more important events are placed closer to the individual and are perceived as being closer in time; unimportant or irrelevant events occupy peripheral time circles, although some of them could have happened very recently according to linear or 'practical' concept time).