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Simha Bode

lega4e80b3753ccac-knowledge translation - a quest for understanding.doc - 1 views

    In contrast to 'Eurocentric' or mainstream knowledge which typically relies on scientific theories and empirical substantiation as evidence of reality, Indigenous knowledge systems usually begin with stories derived from practical experiences. Stories integrate the values and processes experienced, which then culminate in wisdom. Individuals develop wisdom over time, through their own experiences and through the stories of others, which they then share through the creation of new stories (Smylie et al, 2003; Cruickshank, 1998).
Simha Bode

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment - 1 views

    Bridging Scales and Knowledge Systems Concepts and Applications in Ecosystem Assessment
Simha Bode

In a governance context, what is the role of innovation? - Stockholm Resilience Centre - 0 views

    Transition management can be described as a new governance-model based on complex systems´ thinking and is aimed at facilitating and directing processes of societal change in the direction of sustainability.
Simha Bode - 0 views

    This report is written for those who run and fund leadership programs that develop and support leadership for social change. It shares many examples of how leaders using network strategies are increasing the impact of social change work. 
Simha Bode - 0 views

    Beginning in 1948, a group of educators undertook the task of classifying education goals and objectives.  The intent was to develop a classification system for three domains: the cognitive, the affective, and the psychomotor.  Work on the cognitive domain was completed in the 1950s and is commonly referred to as Bloom's Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain
Simha Bode

Dave Snowden - Cognitive Edge Network Blog - 2 views

    Great blog on complex systems the cynefin framework and more.
Simha Bode - 0 views

    Agroecologists therefore collaborate with traditional producers and agroecological movements. Permaculture is one such agroecological movement, with a broad international distribution and a unique approach to system de- sign. Despite a high public profile, permaculture has remained relatively isolated from scientific research. Though the potential contribution of permaculture to agroecological transition is great, it is limited by this isolation from science, as well as from oversimplifying claims, and the lack of a clear definition. Here, we review scientific and popular permaculture literature.
Simha Bode

Low-tech Magazine: How to Make Everything Ourselves: Open Modular Hardware - 1 views

    open modular systems
Simha Bode

▶ The Art of Hosting - Leadership is Possible from Everywhere - YouTube - 0 views

    "The art of hosting is an approach to group leadership [which] creates spaces for us to be learning together... co-creating, teaching each other, offering our gifts." Rather than seeing groups as hierarchical and with fixed roles, Art of Hosting practitioner Chris Corrigan sees groups as living systems
Nibb Häye

Kitchen Of The Future, Methane digestor, Mycelium to Decompose Plastic Waste - 1 views

    Have been drawing allot of inspiration from this one! Particularly love the idea of a cutting board that leads foods scraps into a methane digester. Definitely need a better kitchen composting system that is easy and effective for the modern kitchen design. Perhaps for people who are living in cities or tight areas and do not have land to use the compost effectively.
Simha Bode

Special interview with Immanuel Wallerstein, part 1 of 2 : International : Home - 3 views

    Great piece of foraging - thanks for this - and I really like that it has a transcript as well ...

Co-Intelligent Practices, Approaches, Processes, and Organizations - 0 views

    Compendium of tools for organizations.
    wow - plenty to exlpore in here - lots of overlap with Gaia U and the larger epistemic community - not quite caught up with the latest post-consensus thinking - will read more - I started to explore the groupware section but ran out of time ...
Josh Harris

Fermenting Refried Beans (food preservation forum at permies) - 0 views

    Fermented beans (and pretty much all ferments) are awesome because they: Taste awesome Strengthen digestive flora Are easy to make Plus, is an amazing resource!
Simha Bode

beyondpesticides on USTREAM: . Other Education - 1 views

    Beyond Pesticides is pleased to announce the release of videos from Sustainable Families, Farms and Food. held April 5-6, 2013 at the University of New Mexico (UNM) in Albuquerque, NM. - Nice story starts at min - 28 -
Simha Bode

Design as Learning-or "Knowledge Creation"-the SECI Model - 1 views

    Designers often speak of design as a process. Typically, design thinking leads to design making, which leads to artifacts. Yet the design process also leads to something more-to new knowledge. Thus, we might characterize designing as a form of learning
Simha Bode

CCL-AbLC-model.jpg (JPEG Image, 1117 × 921 pixels) - 0 views

    Image of the First Nations Holistic Learning Model
Simha Bode

Dynamic Knowledge Creation Model | Curiously Persistent - 1 views

    The Dynamic Knowledge Creation Model was created by Nancy Dixon, building on the work by Ikuijro Nonaka
Simha Bode

Quaker Education - 2 views

    "This is why I argue that holistic education is a vital part of the larger cultural shift taking place in our time. "
Simha Bode

adaptive governance - - welkom - - 2 views

    Welcome to the website of the research cluster on 'Adaptive Governance'. We are a multidisciplinary team of young and ambitious researchers interested in the governance challenges posed by environmental change. We are open for collaboration with other research groups, so if you're interested please send us an e-mail.
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