Mahara has a very pluggable architecture, which allows people to add their own artefacts, blocks for views, methods for authentication and more. Here is a list of plugins developed by members of the community.
The Permanent Culture Now Project is an outlet for the knowledge we have built up from decades of thinking about ways to address the major problems facing ourselves and future generations. We have now reached the point where we believe that there needs to be a move towards a Permanent Culture.
The aim of this work is a cross-disciplinary integration of ideas specifically relevant to permaculture design and the physical structure of human settlements. Although this work is ambitious in scope, I feel this is an important element of the writing, to present an overview such that the reader is able to see the inter-relations of many ideas relevant to design. This is a synthesis of a kind which I believe has so far not been attempted.
This article was referred to me by the author, Naresh. He presented for an online Transition Town call that I participated in (Jan. 24, 2013) The call was titled -"Is Your Transition Initiative (TI) as effective as it can be?" I took the call thanks to Liora's recommendation.
I am particularly struck by the idea of decomposing problems into sub-problems whilts paying attention to the intersection of these so that a sub-team can work on a bounded project and konw that what they solve will link well to problems on all sides ... I have looked at the Ushahidi software a number of times but don't have the capacity to run it or fully understand it -- a joint project anyone?
This section explains some design methods and how they are used by designers. We talk you through everything from brainstorming to physical prototyping.
I lead a diverse variety of workshops and other offerings - and not just about challenging corporate rule. I also have many decades of experience leading workshops which help people come to terms with their difficult feelings about the current state of our world, from despair and rage to grief and numbness. As well as teaching active listening skills to activists. I would thoroughly enjoy working with you to create a special event in your community. Please get in touch!
The purpose of this article is to review the literature dealing with the developmental sequence in small groups, to evaluate this literature as a body, to extrapolate general concepts about group development and to suggest fruitful areas for further research.