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Ben Walters

The gaming-violence connection: why society finds it comforting - 0 views

  • the attempts to legislate restrictions on violent video games and the ambiguous science that supports those efforts.
  • why these legislative efforts gain so much traction despite their lack of a solid scientific foundation.
  • in the journal Contexts, USC sociology lecturer Karen Sternheimer analyzes these efforts in terms of ongoing societal fears regarding the influence of media on children.
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  • despite the proliferation of violent, first-person shooters in the wake of Doom, juvenile homicide rates have fallen in the decade since its release. Random school shootings remain incredibly rare; for all forms of homicide, students face a seven in 10 million chance of being a victim.
  • Random school shootings remain so rare, in fact, that Sternheimer reports that the FBI found it impossible to generate a profile of a "typical" shooter.
  • society doesn't really understand its youth. As a result, adults fear their loss of control over the factors that influence childhood development in an increasingly connected world.
  • Far from being a new danger, the Sternheimer report suggests that gaming is simply the latest in a long series of media influences to take the blame. "Over the past century, politicians have complained that cars, radio, movies, rock music, and even comic books caused youth immorality and crime, calling for control and sometimes censorship." She terms the targets of such efforts "folk devils," items branded dangerous and immoral that serve to focus blame and fear.
  • These folk devils can be used for political advancement or financial gain via lawsuits such as those that have targeted game makers. But, based on Sternheimer's description, their primary function appears to be to distract people from identifying the real causes underlying our discomfort with youth culture. It also may distract people from getting to know their kids.
krpa savlani

AMW | Feature | Zodiac Killer Meet The Prime Suspects - 0 views

  • US Navy;
  • He can be placed near the scene
  • Jack Tarrance is not a name is often associated with the Zodiac murders
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • Dennis became convinced that Jack Tarrance is the Zodiac.
  • his stepson,
  • publicly stated that he has proof that Larry Kane is the Zodiac killer and has spent years building a case against Kane.
  • e was reportedly diagnosed with a mental disorder in which he was "losing control of his self-gratification."
  • Navy;
  • Navy;
  • not a lot of evidence that supports the theories
  • Former Manson Family Member
  • convicted killer
  • Allen spent a lot of time alone, driving in nearby rural areas -- such as Lake Herman Road
  • Throughout the past four decades, police have investigated the murder cases and the extensive collection of communications from the self-named Zodiac. But 2,500 suspects later, the Zodiac's identity remains an intriguing mystery.
  • About a month after the murder, typewritten confession letters were mailed to a local paper and to police.
  • Royal typewriter with Elite type from the home of Arthur Leigh Allen.
  • US Air Force; Navy;
  • Navy;
  • Navy;
  • Navy;
  • Navy;
  • Navy;
  • Kane can only be linked to one of Zodiac's confirmed victims -- Darlene Ferrin.
Ben Walters

The Entertainment Software Association - Industry Facts - 0 views

  • The best-selling video game of 2007, "Halo 3," took in more revenue ($170 million) on its first day of sales than the opening weekend receipts of "Spider Man 3," ($151 million), the highest-grossing movie opening ever.
  • computer and video games to meet the demands and tastes of audiences as diverse as our nation's population.
  • Today's gamers include millions of Americans of all ages and backgrounds.  In fact, more than two-thirds of all American households play games. This vast audience is fueling the growth of this multi-billion dollar industry and bringing jobs to communities across the nation.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • U.S. computer and video game software sales generated $10.5 billion in 2009.
  • Sixty-seven percent of American households play computer or video games. 
  • The average game player is 34 years old and has been playing games for 12 years.
  • The average age of the most frequent game purchaser is 40 years old.
  • Forty percent of all game players are women. In fact, women over the age of 18 represent a significantly greater portion of the game-playing population (33 percent) than boys age 17 or younger (20 percent).
  • In 2010, 26 percent of Americans over the age of 50 play video games, an increase from nine percent in 1999.
  • Forty-two percent of heads of households play games on a wireless device, such as a cell phone or PDA, up from 20 percent in 2002.
  • Eighty-two percent of all games sold in 2009 were rated "E" for Everyone, "T" for Teen, or "E10+" for Everyone 10+.
  • Parents who have children under 18 with a gaming console in the home are present when games are purchased or rented 93 percent of the time.
  • Sixty-four percent of parents believe games are a positive part of their children’s lives.
Ben Walters

Does game violence make teens aggressive? - Technology & science - Games - On the Level... - 0 views

  • Can video games make kids more violent? A new study employing state-of-the-art brain-scanning technology says that the answer may be yes.
  • brain scans of kids who played a violent video game showed an increase in emotional arousal – and a corresponding decrease of activity in brain areas involved in self-control, inhibition and attention.
  • he does think that the study should encourage parents to look more closely at the types of games their kids are playing.
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  • “Based on our results, I think parents should be aware of the relationship between violent video-game playing and brain function.”
  • he scans showed a negative effect on the brains of the teens who played “Medal of Honor” for 30 minutes. That same effect was not present in the kids who played “Need for Speed.”
  • And it’s also not known what effect longer play times might have. The scope of this study was 30 minutes of play, and one brain scan per kid
  • But what about violent TV shows? Or violent films? Has anyone ever done a brain scan of kids that have just watched a violent movie?
  • Kids in his study experienced increased emotional arousal when watching short clips from the boxing movie “Rocky IV.”
  • Larry Ley, the director and coordinator of research for the Center for Successful Parenting, which funded Mathews’ study, says the purpose of the research was to help parents make informed decisions. “There’s enough data that clearly indicates that [game violence] is a problem,” he says. “And it’s not just a problem for kids with behavior disorders.”
  • But not everyone is convinced that this latest research adds much to the debate – particularly the game development community. One such naysayer is Doug Lowenstein, president of the Entertainment Software Association.
  • “We've seen other studies in this field that have made dramatic claims but turn out to be less persuasive when objectively analyzed.”
  • And they’ve got plenty of answers at the ready for the critics who want to lay school shootings or teen aggression at the feet of the game industry. Several studies cited by the ESA point to games’ potential benefits for developing decision-making skills or bettering reaction times. Ley, however, argues such studies aren’t credible because they were produced by “hired guns” funded by the multi-billion-dollar game industry.
  • Increasingly parents are more accepting of video game violence, chalking it up to being a part of growing up. “I was dead-set against violent video games,” says Kelley Windfield, a Sammamish, Wa.-based mother of two. “But my husband told me I had to start loosening up.” Laura Best, a mother of three from Clovis, Calif., says she looks for age-appropriate games for her 14 year-old son, Kyle. And although he doesn’t play a lot of games, he does tend to gravitate towards shooters like “Medal of Honor.”  But she isn’t concerned that Kyle will become aggressive as a result. “That’s like saying a soccer game or a football game will make a kid more aggressive,” she says. “It’s about self-control, and you’ve got to learn it.”
  • “Let’s quit using various Xboxes as babysitters instead of doing healthful activities,” says Ley, citing the growing epidemic of childhood obesity in the United States. And who, really, can argue with that?
Ben Walters

'FarmVille' power user: 'I'm not obsessed' - Technology & science - Games - - 0 views

  • Cathy Hinz is really into “FarmVille.” But she swears she’s not obsessed.  “I can, you know, walk away and say, ‘I’m not going to worry about it.’ I don’t worry about it, but I will plan my farm around my life,” she says.
  • she has time to be online, fiddling with the farm simulation game as much as she wants. And she’s far from the only one.
  • Since its launch in June 2009, “FarmVille” has grown like an invasive weed, with 80 million players
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  • It’s absurdly easy to get started:
  • It’s no “World of Warcraft,” but for non-gamers like Hinz, that’s exactly the point.
  • They were either too violent or too complicated or too ‘childish,’” she says.
  • She’s online a lot — spending two to three hours a day on “FarmVille,“ but usually not all at one time. Most of her family plays the game, including her eldest daughter (hooked), her three grandkids (hooked) and her husband, a hard-core gamer who reluctantly allowed his wife to rope him into virtual horticulture. Now, she says, he’s really concerned about his crops.
  • Hinz loves “FarmVille” because it’s something she can control.
  • Hinz loves tweaking her virtual plot of land, and her schedule affords her plenty of time to do that.
  • Some of the “FarmVille” updates are free, and some you have to pay for, but Hinz says the cost is negligible. “I would spend more than $10 to see a movie, and I’d get to sit there for two hours and that would be it. Whereas 10 bucks on this, I can get enjoyment out of it every day.”
  • She likes leveling up, and the competitive nature of the game. But Hinz also really likes the interaction on “FarmVille.”
  • “When I started my Facebook account, I had two friends — my daughters. At one point, while playing “FarmVille,” I had over 200 friends on Facebook,” she says.
  • Zynga dangled a Hot Rod Tractor for “FarmVille” players
  • play “Mafia Wars,” another Zynga game, to level 10.
  • At first, Hinz was indignant. “I’m 50 years old, and I’m not going to do something where you ‘ice’ people, or you rob banks or stuff like that, where that’s the objective.” But then she got to thinking. The Hot Rod Tractor can plow nine plots simultaneously. It’s got flames on it. “I figured, what the hell, I’ll just get to level 10 and do it. And now I’m a level 40 in ‘Mafia Wars’ as well,” she laughs. “It’s a lot funner than I thought it would be. It’s something I can do while I’m waiting for things to harvest.”
  • Still, Hinz says she’s got the games under control, and that they’re not controlling her. “If I started putting things off in order to do ‘FarmVille,’ if it becomes a priority over work, or spending time with my family, that would be an addiction.” Is she there yet? “No. I do it because I can.”
Ben Walters

Manhunt blamed for UK murder - News at GameSpot - 0 views

  • n the UK, the parents of a teenage murder victim have blamed the crime on the Rockstar game Manhunt.
  • The parents of Stefan Pakeerah, 14, said their son was lured to a park by a 17-year-old player of the game, who stabbed and beat their son to death with a knife and claw hammer.
  • "When one looks at what Warren did to Stephan and looks at the brutality and viciousness of the game, one can see links,"
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  • "Stefan's murder compares to how the game is set out, using weapons like hammers and knives. If games like this influence kids, they should be taken off the shelves."
  • The uproar has prompted the UK's biggest retailer to do exactly that.
  • Rockstar also defended itself by stating, "We reject any suggestion or association between the tragic events and the sale of Manhunt." However, the publisher/developer did offer its condolences to the victim's family.
  • As was to be expected, erroneous news reports in the wake of the murder have reignited the controversy that surrounded Manhunt when it was first released.
  • However, the madman/snuff-filmmaker who has kidnapped the convict does offer him rewards based on the grisliness of his killings, albeit in a very unglamorous fashion.
  • the BBC also talked to a child psychologist about whether or not there is a link between violent games and violent behavior in children. "There's been no longitudinal research, following adolescents over a long period, looking at how gaming violence might affect their behavior," said Professor Mark Griffiths of Nottingham Trent University, who called for more research.
  • The BBC also pointed out that Manhunt has an 18 certificate--the equivalent of an "M" rating--and shouldn't be played by minors at all.
Anushka Gandhi

Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Bin Laden and fellow al-Qaeda leaders are believed to be hiding near the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas.
    • Anushka Gandhi
      One of those many possiblities of Osama's whereabouts
  • Beliefs and ideology
    • Anushka Gandhi
      His strong beliefs urged him to help form the Islamist movement Al-Qaeda and a number of activites, bombings, etc including the most important event- 9/11 attacks in the US.
  • "Allah knows it did not cross our minds to attack the towers but after the situation became unbearable and we witnessed the injustice and tyranny of the American-Israeli alliance against our people in Palestine and Lebanon, I thought about it. And the events that affected me directly were that of 1982 and the events that followed – when America allowed the Israelis to invade Lebanon, helped by the U.S. Sixth Fleet. As I watched the destroyed towers in Lebanon, it occurred to me punish the unjust the same way (and) to destroy towers in America so it could taste some of what we are tasting and to stop killing our children and women." – Osama bin Laden, 2004[
    • Anushka Gandhi
      What urged Osama to take this deadly step of the 9/11 attacks on the US....
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  • Claims as to the location of Osama bin Laden have been made since December 2001, although none have been definitively proven and some have placed Osama in different locations during overlapping time periods.
    • Anushka Gandhi
      True statement. This can be used in research paper while including reports of Osama's hiding locations
  • On October 18th 2010, Osama bin Laden is alive and well and living comfortably in a house in the north-west of Pakistan protected by local people and elements of the country's intelligence services, according to a senior Nato official
    • Anushka Gandhi
      Most recent update of Osama's 'whereabouts' reported by a Nato official.
Anushka Gandhi

Al-Qaeda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Reported beliefs include that a Christian-Jewish alliance is conspiring to destroy Islam,[12] which is largely embodied in the U.S.-Israel alliance, and that the killing of bystanders and civilians is religiously justified in jihad.
    • Anushka Gandhi
      An example for Western world (in this case: Christian-Jewish alliance) versus Islamic World
  • Al-Qaeda's management philosophy has been described as "centralization of decision and decentralization of execution."
  • "emergence of decentralized leadership"
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  • Marc Sageman, a psychiatrist and former CIA officer, said that Al-Qaeda would now just be a "loose label for a movement that seems to target the West". "There is no umbrella organisation. We like to create a mythical entity called [al-Qaeda] in our minds, but that is not the reality we are dealing with."[16]
    • Anushka Gandhi
      Individual views about Al-Qaeda
  • Osama bin Laden is the emir, and was the Senior Operations Chief of al-Qaeda (though originally this role may have been filled by Abu Ayoub al-Iraqi).
  • Researchers have described five distinct phases in the development of al-Qaeda: the beginning in the late 1980s, the "wilderness" period in 1990–96, its "heyday" in 1996–2001, the network period of 2001–05, and a period of fragmentation from 2005 to today.
  • Gulf War and the start of U.S. enmity
    • Anushka Gandhi
      Beginning of anti-Americanism and Western world versus Islamic world
  • Fatwas
    • Anushka Gandhi
      Osama bin Laden, along with the Al-Qaeda, introduced 'Fatwas' (binding religious edict) which portrays the hatred towards the US and also the strong beliefs in the members' respect towards their cause, organization/movement.
  • Al-Qaeda has been designated a terrorist organization by the following countries and international organizations:
    • Anushka Gandhi
      These countries and organizations have referred to Al-Qaeda as a "Terrorist Organization"
Dillon Patel

Solar Cycles Cause Global Warming & Cooling, not Humans - 0 views

  • Planetary warming has also been observed on Mars, Jupiter, Pluto, and on Neptune's largest moon Triton during the decades following the peak of the "Solar Grand Maximum" - wonder why - there are no humans there!
  • And Pluto is moving further from the sun in its orbit,
  • it should be cooling, but instead it is warming.
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  • due to solar changes rather than mere human antics.
  • t Earth's oceans are now beginning to cool.
  • The Earth heats up after a Solar Grand Maximum, lagging a bit after the peak. With a Solar Grand Minimum now on its way, a "global cooling" is on the horizon--a natural oscillation occurring in much longer solar cycles.
  • continue to ignore all of this, perpetuating fear and advocating spending billions of dollars on non-solutions.
  • humans contribute to greenhouse gases,
  • the overall effect is a tiny fraction compared to natural causes.
    Humans ARE NOT the cause of Global Warming. Against my argument.
Dillon Patel

How Do Humans Cause Global Warming? | A Cooler Climate - 0 views

  • Driving your car
  • Buying your suburban home
  • Eating supermarket meat
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • tremendous amounts of fossil fuels.
  • storing carbon for thousands, possibly millions of years.
  • When your car burns them, that carbon is instantly released as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
  • cleared of existing trees and plants that were actively storing carbon.
  • they stopped storing carbon and released all the carbon they had accumulated over tens or even hundreds of years.
  • use of enormous fossil fuel-powered machines in the production,
  • produce methane, a major greenhouse gas.
  • beef, lamb or goat meat,
  • that animal agriculture is responsible for 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions,
  • Is Human-Caused Warming Dangerous?
  • short answer is “yes
  • Much concern exists within the scientific community about global warming, the main cause of which is an accumulation of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere.
    The three most significant ways that humans cause Global Warming and other useful information.
Dillon Patel

How Do Humans Cause Global Warming? - climate change and environmental ... - 0 views

  • main cause of global warming.
  • our species create huge problems that are beyond the ability of other animals to create
  • Humans cause global warming
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • our unique ability to capture and use energy from stored energy sources.
  • Even your basic needs are dependent on fossil fuels.
  • if humans didn’t have the ability to exploit dense energy sources such as coal, oil, and natural gas.
  • their discovery transformed the face of the earth and the nature of humans.
  • the human population has grown by more than five times
  • person uses more energy than ever.
  • This energy comes largely from fossil fuels, the use of which is a direct cause of global warming.
  • we want to decrease global warming, then the amount of carbon released each year by humans must be drastically reduced.
  • the we
  • althy (that means you!) Increasing population among the poor
  • Americans consume 300 – 600 times as much as people in very poor nations, in some cases.
  • many of whom aspire to live “better” lives, to consume like wealthy people.
  • From this it becomes clear why humans are the main cause of global warming.
    The main cause of global warming, the human species, us.
Anushka Gandhi

Location of Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • September 23. Bin Laden was believed by Pakistani officials to be on the Afghan-Pakistani border. He is said to have been keeping a low profile, with as little as ten men guarding him.
    • Anushka Gandhi
      Might be a true fact more than a rumor. This statement cannot be trusted completely, it is reliable to an extent.
    • Anushka Gandhi
  • June. Taliban leader Mullah Bakht Mohammed claimed "The latest proof that he is alive is that he sent me a letter of condolences after the martyrdom of my brother. He advised me to follow my brother's path."
    • Anushka Gandhi
      This might be very reliable, but to an extent, because: Firstly, this is a primary source, but we are not aware whether what this Taliban leader states is true or not. Secondly, the Taliban leader's brother had sacrificed while fighting for their cause. His brother might have been in the Al Qaeda movement and Osama encourages this Taliban leader, Mullah Bakht Mohammed to follow his brother's footsteps by becoming a member of the Al Qaeda.
    • Anushka Gandhi
  • July 12, Pakistan's Interior Minister states bin Laden is not in Pakistan. The TimesOnline reports that he is still hiding in Afghanistan; Kunar Province being not far from Tora Bora
    • Anushka Gandhi
      2008: This goes back to the rumors stating that Osama has died somewhere near Tora Bora. This source, Pakistan's Interior Minister states that Osama is not in Pakistan, his hiding place is in Afghanistan somewhere around an area known as Tora Bora.
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    • Anushka Gandhi
      2009 and 2010 state recent reports of Osama's whereabouts, but might not be very reliable since every source, be it news, reports, primary sources, etc state different locations of Osama's hiding, while some other state he must have died of natural causes, murder or kidney problems.
Anjan Narain

A national survey of physician-assisted suicide an... [N Engl J Med. 1998] - PubMed result - 0 views

  • Although there have been many studies of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia in the United States, national data are lacking.
  • we mailed questionnaires to a stratified probability sample of 3102 physicians in the 10 specialties in which doctors are most likely to receive requests from patients for assistance with suicide or euthanasia
  • 1902 completed questionnaires (response rate, 61 percent). Eleven percent of the physicians said that under current legal constraints, there were circumstances in which they would be willing to hasten a patient's death by prescribing medication, and 7 percent said that they would provide a lethal injection; 36 percent and 24 percent, respectively, said that they would do so if it were lega
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  • A substantial proportion of physicians in the United States report that they receive requests for physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia, and about 7 percent of those who responded to our survey have complied with such requests at least once.
Anjan Narain

Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide: All sides to the issue - 0 views

  • Throughout North America, committing suicide or attempting to commit suicide is no longer a criminal offense. However, helping another person commit suicide is generally considered a criminal act.
  • Oregon which, since 1997, has allowed people who are terminally ill, in intractable pain, and not depressed to obtain a lethal prescription from their physician and end their chronic suffering. This is called "Physician Assisted Suicide" or PAS.
  • Washington voters passed Initiative 1000 in 2008-NOV. Supporters call it a "Death with Dignity bill;" opponents call it an "Assisted Suicide" measure. Both are accurate descriptions.   Montana's Montana Supreme Court legalized PAS in a decision handed down on 2009-DEC-31.
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  • "The right to a good death is a basic human freedom. The Supreme Court's decision to uphold aid in dying allows us to view and act on death as a dignified moral and godly choice for those suffering with terminal illnesses."
Anjan Narain

Euthanasia and the Law in the United States of America - 0 views

  • The US has a spotted history of law reform on voluntary euthanasia and physician-assisted dying
  • Oregon was the first state to pass a Death With Dignity (DWD) Act which it did in 1994 after a Citizen Initiated Referendum.  However, this law was not finally implemented until 27 October 1997
  • allow people who are terminally and/or hopelessly ill to ask their doctors for lethal medication. Patients must make two verbal requests and one written request that is fully witnessed. Two doctors must agree on the patient’s ‘diagnosis, prognosis and the patient's capability’.
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  • The Oregon and Washington laws explicitly prohibit euthanasia, which is defined as involving someone other than the patient administering the medication
Anjan Narain

Essay on Euthanasia in America - 0 views

  • Euthanasia is a choice everyone should have, but like all rights, it should not be taken advantage of. By legalizing euthanasia the practice of assisted suicide would be an available choice as well as regulated to see that it does not get abused and used for the wrong reasons.
  • My four primary arguments for legalizing euthanasia are as follows: The mercy argument, which states that the immense pain and indignity of prolonged suffering, cannot be ignored. We are being inhumane to force people to continue suffering this way. The patients right to self-determination.
  • The reality argument. "Let's face it people are already doing it".
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  • Some terminally ill patients who have been denied assistance in dying, have attempted to terminate they're suffering by ending their lives themselves or with the help of loved ones, who are not trained in medicine. Some patients have botched their suicides and brought further suffering to themselves and those around them. Patients should not have to resort to suicide to end their suffering. It is their life, their pain. They should be able to get the treatment they want.
  • " if we so choose, the end of life need not be preceded by intolerable pain, or by senility and loss of bodily functions.” Death with dignity is the right of every person who faces an incurable, painful or degrading future.
  • Caring for terminally ill patients requires a vast amount of money. In 1997, shortly after the senate voted to overturn the Northern Territory's euthanasia law, doctors from both sides of the euthanasia lobby united in calling for more funds for palliative care. There is a requirement for several hundred million dollars extra to really adequately provide for the needs of the dying, particularly in country areas.
  • Why does the government choose to outlaw euthanasia when it is done anyway? Legalizing it would mean that patients would be able to consult doctors, and not resort to taking it into their own hands, making it safer and better. There would be no need for suicide attempts; consequently there would be less tragedies
  • Passive euthanasia is defined as allowing a patient to die by withholding treatment, while active euthanasia is defined as taking measures that directly cause a patient's death
  • Those who argue against active euthanasia understand that there is a demand for active euthanasia as a response "to the fear of entrapment in a technologically sophisticated, seemingly uncaring world of medicine
  • offers several arguments in favor of the moral permissibility of active euthanasia, one of which is an argument from mercy. He begins by describing a classic case where a person named Jack is terminally ill and in unbearable pain and states that Jack's condition alone is a compelling reason for the permissibility of active mercy killing.
  • active euthanasia is morally permissible since it produces the greatest happiness
  • . The categorical imperative supports active euthanasia since no one would willfully universalize a rule, which condemns people to unbearable pain before death. It is also reasoned that it is considered bad to be the cause of someone's death and that death is regarded as a great evil. However, if it has been decided that active or passive euthanasia is desirable in a given case, it has also been decided that in this instance death is no greater an evil than the patient's continued existence
  • A good point is raised here, because death is supposedly inevitable in either case, so according to Rachel, if a doctor allows a patient to die or gives him a lethal injection, then the motives and ends are essentially the same.
  • In conclusion, denying patients the right to die with dignity and lucidity is unfair and cruel. If physician assisted suicide means giving a patient the right to choose between a life without dignity and hope, or ending their pain and suffering with an honorable closure on life, than it should be permitted.
  • When a patient has no desire to go on living and wants to die before their condition gets worse, they should be allowed to decide how their life ends and why. Assisted suicide is known to have been going on without fanfare and without legal support for many years. It is time to give physician-assisted suicide the legal justification that it deserves.
Anushka Gandhi

September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • humiliation resulting from the Islamic world falling behind the Western world - this discrepancy made especially visible due to recent globalisation.
    • Anushka Gandhi
      Basically analyzing on Al Qaeda's motives which includes these two motives that are highlighted. How their strong beliefs and causes provoke the US, how the Islamic world is not as superior as the Western world, How they desire allies to support their movement by having the US holding a larger grudge against the Islamic world...
  • Top Muslim organizations in the United States were swift to condemn the attacks on 9/11 and called "upon Muslim Americans to come forward with their skills and resources to help alleviate the sufferings of the affected people and their families".
    • Anushka Gandhi
      Muslim Americans were affected by the 9/11 event and formed organizations that would use their resources and help the affected citizens and their families.
  • The second-biggest operation of the U.S. Global War on Terrorism outside of the United States, and the largest directly connected to terrorism, was the overthrow of the Taliban rule of Afghanistan by a U.S.-led coalition.
    • Anushka Gandhi
      US avenged the 9/11 event by seriously dealing with the root cause, the Taliban of Afghanistan.
Anushka Gandhi

The World; Why America Still Can't Find Osama bin Laden - New York Times - 0 views

  • In Quetta, a city in southwestern Pakistan, Afghan refugees said teachers in madrassas and members of hardline religious parties urge young men to join the new Taliban insurgency.
    • Anushka Gandhi
      One of the ways of having young men join the Taliban for stronger support.
  • That depth of feeling, some Pakistanis note, is what makes Osama bin Laden so difficult to catch.
    • Anushka Gandhi
      Osama bin Laden seems to be holding an extremely strong grudge against the US and that "depth of feeling" is what might be helping Osama to be safe in his hiding areas.
  • As dusk arrived in the city last Saturday and the call to prayer sounded from local mosques, a young Afghan madrassa student in a turban demanded that a visiting American leave the area. As the foreigner drove away, a young boy spat in his face.
    • Anushka Gandhi
      Strong belief of anti-Americanism. Seems to be a true supporter of Osama.
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  • ''When America Was Struck by Al Qaeda's Lightning'' attributes the recent East Coast power outage to Mr. bin Laden.
Anushka Gandhi

The World; Why America Still Can't Find Osama bin Laden - New York Times - 0 views

  • Osama bin Laden flickered across the world's television screens casually strolling down a boulder-strewn hillside. He looked calm, peaceful and, worst of all, safe.
    • Anushka Gandhi
      This informs us that the US weren't as alert as they should have been.
  • He said the reason the Arabs have not been caught is simple: the local populace reveres them.
  • ''Everybody knows them,'' the official said. ''Everybody supports them.''
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  • Simply put, people are eagerly helping him because they still accept his view of the world.
    • Anushka Gandhi
      Supporters of bin Laden and his world view might be helping him hide.
  • ''They don't see anything wrong with it.''
    • Anushka Gandhi
      Supporters seem to believe in violence and also very strongly support the ideas, world views and cause of bin Laden
  • ''They don't see that as a crime or a sin''
  • Jews, they often insist, control America.
  • Those beliefs come from what continues to be one of Islamic militancy's most effective weapons: sophisticated propaganda.
Mash M

The Cambridge guide to theatre - Google Books - 0 views

    Indonesian influence on Malaysian Theatre
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