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Brian G. Dowling

Public Lab: a DIY environmental science community - 1 views

    The Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science (Public Lab) is a community -- supported by a 501(c)3 non-profit -- which develops and applies open-source tools to environmental exploration and investigation. By democratizing inexpensive and accessible Do-It-Yourself techniques, Public Lab creates a collaborative network of practitioners who actively re-imagine the human relationship with the environment. The core Public Lab program is focused on "civic science" in which we research open source hardware and software tools and methods to generate knowledge and share data about community environmental health. Our goal is to increase the ability of underserved communities to identify, redress, remediate, and create awareness and accountability around environmental concerns. Public Lab achieves this by providing online and offline training, education and support, and by focusing on locally-relevant outcomes that emphasize human capacity and understanding.
Brian G. Dowling

Public Lab: Public Comment - 0 views

    What is Public Comment? Public commenting is a process that allows individuals, organizations, agencies, and businesses to provide input on proposed environmental decisions. (From the Environmental Law Institute Ocean Program) Public comments are important for a variety of reasons. When it comes to environmental decisions, a good aim is to get as many people to submit comments as possible. Often the "other side" (ie: big industries) will comment asking for rules to be more lax -- the specific ask totally depends on what the issue is. The point of getting a lot of people involved and submitting comments is to balance out the "other side" requests -- if more people ask an agency for better protections, then it gives them the support they need to make decisions that will better protect environmental resources.
Brian G. Dowling

International Association for Public Participation: IAP2 Code of Ethics for Public Part... - 2 views

    The International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) Code of Ethics for Public Participation Practitioners supports and reflects IAP2's Core Values for the Practice of Public Participation. The Core Values define the expectations and aspirations of the public participation process. The Code of Ethics speaks to the actions of practitioners.
Brian G. Dowling

Journal of Public Deliberation | Public Deliberation - 0 views

    International Journal for Public Participation (2007 - 2010) merged with the Journal for Public Deliberation as a joint venture between DDC and IAP2 in November 2010.  In announcing the joint venture in November 2010, IAP2 President Desley Renton said "this initiative builds on the foundations of both journals and will extend the discourse in the field with readers benefiting from firsthand experience of public participation practitioners".
Brian G. Dowling

Interactivity Foundation | Engaging citizens in the exploration and development of poss... - 0 views

    The Interactivity Foundation works to enhance the process and expand the scope and health of our public discussions by bringing people together in small group discussions of broad topics of public policy concern. Our Fellows conduct Project Discussions that engage separate panels of selected generalists and specialists on a public policy topic for a year or more of private (or "sanctuary") discussions to develop and explore multiple policy possibilities, which are then worked into a Discussion Report. We also conduct and sponsor shorter series (3-4 sessions) of small group Public Discussions, which are open to all interested participants and use the possibilities from our Discussion Reports as the starting point for further exploration and development. Finally, we collaborate with certain college faculty to develop and support facilitated, student-centered Classroom Discussions.
Brian G. Dowling

Public Service Leadership Model * Partnership for Public Service - 0 views

    "As Americans, we have only one institution with the resources and the public mandate to address our nation's most important and difficult challenges: the federal government. As government struggles to recruit new talent, keep up with ever-increasing innovation and contend with a wave of retirements, we need federal leadership that endures beyond appointment terms, administrations and the headlines of the day. In response to this urgent need, The Partnership for Public Service developed the Public Service Leadership Model as the standard for effective federal leadership.  "
Brian G. Dowling

Public Citizen Facebook Page - 0 views

    About Public Citizen has been standing up to corporate power and holding government accountable since 1971. Visit our website at Mission We represent you in the halls of power. Your support funds multiple public interest research and advocacy efforts: safe and effective health care, auto safety, good government, safe and sustainable energy, consumer safety, and fair, equitable trade and globalization. Why focus on a single issue? We do it all! Company Overview Since 1971, Public Citizen has been a national, nonprofit public interest organization representing consumer interests in Congress, the executive branch and the courts. Website: Blog: Twitter: @Public_Citizen
Brian G. Dowling

Equity In Public Funds | Advancement Project California - 0 views

    Our goal is to provide public finance data, tools and training to local community-based organizations to strengthen their public interest and organizing campaigns. Equity in Public Funds partners with and increases the ability of community-based organizations to produce analyses of City and County fiscal inequities and advocate for reform.
Brian G. Dowling

How are WE Doing? A Public Engagement Evaluation Platform | Pepperdine University | Sch... - 1 views

    For almost a decade, the Davenport Institute has been researching, training, and consulting with public officials to improve the ways in which governments involve their residents in making tough policy decisions. This work has taken us throughout California and across the country, learning about and teaching the latest techniques in effective participatory governance. We continue to hear from public leaders seeking to capture a "30,000-foot view" of their government's practices in this area. That is why we are launching "How are WE Doing?" to be that lens through which you can evaluate your municipality's public engagement processes.
Brian G. Dowling

Public Spaces - Knight Foundation - 0 views

    Public spaces are an important part of Knight Foundation's work in cities and the communities where we invest. We believe that great public spaces have the power to transform cities. They are where neighbors can meet and residents can enjoy local arts and culture, take a jog or spend time with family. They help to advance civic engagement and the attachment people feel to their cities - both necessities for creating more informed and engaged communities. Recent research by the Center for Active Design shows that public spaces can help to facilitate community connection, trust and involvement.
Brian G. Dowling

Is Your City a Great City? | Project for Public Spaces - 0 views

    The Project for Public Spaces offers this checklist to help determine if your city is a "great" city. "Community goals are a top priority in city planning: - Citizens regularly participate in making their public spaces better and local leaders and planning professionals routinely seek the wisdom and practical experience of community residents. - Residents feel they have responsibility and a sense of ownership for their public spaces."
Brian G. Dowling

Institute for Local Government - 0 views

    Mission, Goal, Vision and Values The Institute for Local Government promotes good government at the local level with practical, impartial and easy-to-use resources for California communities. Goal The Institute's goal is to be the leading provider of information that enables local officials and their communities to make good decisions. Vision The Institute envisions a future in California in which: People value their local public institutions. Local agencies effectively deliver public services. All segments of the community are appropriately engaged in key public decisions. Decision-makers make informed policy choices based on their best sense of the public's interest.
Brian G. Dowling

NCDD Resource Center » Core Principles for Public Engagement - 1 views

    The Public Engagement Principles (PEP) Project was launched in mid-February 2009 to create clarity in our field about what we consider to be the fundamental components of quality public engagement, and to support President Obama's January 21, 2009 memorandum on open government. The following principles were developed collaboratively by members and leaders of NCDD, IAP2 (the International Association of Public Participation), the Co-Intelligence Institute, and many others.
Brian G. Dowling

Project for Public Spaces - Placemaking for Communities - 0 views

    • Brian G. Dowling
      Creating public spaces helps to create community. Related wiki page
    Project for Public Spaces (PPS) is a nonprofit planning, design and educational organization dedicated to helping people create and sustain public spaces that build stronger communities. Our pioneering Placemaking approach helps citizens transform their public spaces into vital places that highlight local assets, spur rejuvenation and serve common needs.
Brian G. Dowling

Public Spending, by the People - 0 views

    From 2014 to 2015, more than 70,000 residents across the United States and Canada directly decided how their cities and districts should spend nearly $50 million in public funds through a process known as participatory budgeting (PB). PB is among the fastest growing forms of public engagement in local governance, having expanded to 46 communities in the U.S. and Canada in just 6 years.
Brian G. Dowling

Project for Public Spaces Facebook - 0 views

    • Brian G. Dowling
      Warning don't Like this page go to the unannotated page. Related wiki page 
    Facebook for Project for Public Spaces (PPS) a nonprofit planning, design and educational organization dedicated to helping people create and sustain public spaces that build stronger communities. Our pioneering Placemaking approach helps citizens transform their public spaces into vital places that highlight local assets, spur rejuvenation and serve common needs.
Brian G. Dowling

PUBLICAGENDA.ORG - Public Agenda Home Page - 0 views

    Public Agenda is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that helps diverse leaders and citizens navigate divisive, complex issues and work together to find solutions. Through nonpartisan research and public engagement, we provide the insights, tools and support people need to build common ground and arrive at solutions that work for them. In doing so, we are proving that it is possible to make progress on critical issues regardless of our differences. In all of our work, we seek to help build a democracy in which problem solving triumphs over gridlock and inertia, and where public policy reflects the thoughtful input and values of the nation's citizens. - See more at:
Brian G. Dowling

IAP2 USA - Home - 1 views

    IAP2 USA advances public participation in the United States by providing its affiliate members with tools and information to conduct high-quality public participation processes, by providing government, industry, nonprofit organizations and participants with educational resources to increase the quality and value of their participation in such processes, and by advocating for quality public participation programs based on our Core Values and Code of Ethics.
Brian G. Dowling

Ten Strategies for Transforming Cities and Public Spaces through Placemaking - Project ... - 1 views

    Building inclusive, healthy, functional, and productive cities is perhaps the greatest challenge facing humanity today, and there are no easy solutions. A key part of the puzzle, though, lies right at the heart of the world's urban areas: its public spaces. Here are ten ways you can help strengthen the social fabric of your community and jump-start economic development by creating and sustaining healthy public spaces.
Brian G. Dowling

Los Angeles Economic Roundtable - - 0 views

    The Economic Roundtable is a non-profit, public benefit corporation organized to conduct economic, social and environmental research that contributes to the sustainability of individuals and communities. The Economic Roundtable seeks to respect the needs and goals of all neighborhoods and communities of interest affected by its work. Research findings are made readily available to public policy makers, affected communities, and the general public.
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