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Brian G. Dowling

Knight Soul of the Community Facebook - 1 views

    • Brian G. Dowling
      Warning don't Like this page go to the unannotated page.  Related wiki page 
    Knight Soul of the Community is a new approach to community development and local economic growth, based on a three-year study produced by Gallup in partnership with John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.
Brian G. Dowling

Public Spaces - Knight Foundation - 0 views

    Public spaces are an important part of Knight Foundation's work in cities and the communities where we invest. We believe that great public spaces have the power to transform cities. They are where neighbors can meet and residents can enjoy local arts and culture, take a jog or spend time with family. They help to advance civic engagement and the attachment people feel to their cities - both necessities for creating more informed and engaged communities. Recent research by the Center for Active Design shows that public spaces can help to facilitate community connection, trust and involvement.
Brian G. Dowling

Knight Digital Media Center | Dedicated to helping organizations and community leaders ... - 0 views

    The Knight Digital Media Center @ USC Annenberg is dedicated to increasing the flow of critical news and information by helping organizations and community leaders develop digital skills and strategies for the 21st Century. The Center provides training and resources in several formats including self-directed web-based learning modules, instructor-led virtual classes as well as conferences and workshops throughout the country. In addition, the Center offers customized training and consultation to organizations seeking to engage their communities on critical issues.
Brian G. Dowling

Knight Foundation: Community Information Resources - 0 views

    Foundations can help improve education, public safety, the environment and other areas only if people understand the issues and are engaged. Through the Knight Community Information Challenge, dozens of foundations have invested in such initiatives as local reporting and digital literacy to help communities thrive.
Brian G. Dowling

Long Beach, Calif. - City | Knight Soul of the Community - 1 views

    • Brian G. Dowling
      Related wiki page 
    • Brian G. Dowling
      Related blog post
    • Brian G. Dowling
      Ratings of the local economy increased in 2010; however, the economy is still not a key factor emotionally connecting residents to their communities.  Perception of local leadership is rated lower in 2010, but it is not a key driver in attaching residents to Long Beach.
    The information in our study covers the city of Long Beach, Calif. In each community, the Knight Soul of the Community study identified factors that emotionally attach residents to where they live
Brian G. Dowling

KnightComm: Strengthening journalism, communities and democracy in the digital age - 0 views

    The Knight Commission on the Information Needs of Communities in a Democracy was a blue ribbon panel of seventeen media, policy and community leaders. Its purpose was to assess the information needs of communities, and recommend measures to help Americans better meet those needs. Its Report, Informing Communities: Sustaining Democracy in the Digital Age, was the first major commission on media since the Hutchins Commission in the 1940's and the Kerner and Carnegie Commissions of the 1960's.
Brian G. Dowling

Election Tools - 0 views

    The Election Toolkit is a place where any election official can find communication tools that are recommended and tested by other election officials. Each tool includes information about why to use it, as well as step-by-step instructions on how to best use each tool.
Brian G. Dowling

An Explanation of Community Attachment - Soul of the Community Project on Vimeo - 0 views

    • Brian G. Dowling
      If you are reading this then you are using the Diigo annotated page which is keeping the video from working. You can get to the original page by clicking; Related wiki page 
    • Brian G. Dowling
      Related blog post
    • Brian G. Dowling
      What drives the soul of a community? How open it is to different types of people. How aesthetically pleasing it is.  What opportunities exist for social interaction.
    • Brian G. Dowling
      The 3 aspects above provide for Residential Attachment which has a strong correlation with economic prosperity. 
    An Explanation of Community Attachment - Soul of the Community Project
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