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Peter Horsfield

Chelsea Manning - Extraordinary People Changing the Game - 0 views

    Meet the extraordinary Chelsea Elizabeth Manning, formerly known by the name Bradley Edward Manning, is a soldier in the United States Army who became famous worldwide for being accused and convicted for leaking the largest set of classified files to the public regarding a major U.S. military controversy. A person with an extraordinary love for humanity and passion for truth and justice. "I always want to figure out the truth". To read more about Chelsea Elizabeth Manning visit:
Peter Horsfield

Joseph Prince - Free Extraordinary Profiles - 0 views

    Grace. In this word revolves the life and ministry of Joseph Prince, who is one of the world's most influential ministers today, reaching millions with his television broadcasts and books. It is quite amazing to see how a former stuttering high school student would rise to become one of the leading voices of Christianity and be one of the most successful pastors in the world. Read the story of this extraordinary preacher and witness the incredible power of grace that worked in his life.
Peter Horsfield

Mackenzie Bearup - Extraordinary People Changing the Game - 0 views

    Mackenzie Bearup may seem unfortunate for having been diagnosed to have an incurable disease known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. She, however, did not let this disability keep her from doing extraordinary things, like providing kids with distraction to help them cope with their emotional distress and physical pain. After discovering how books made her feel better despite the pain, she started a book drive that is now known as Sheltering Books. She just turned 18, so we could expect more good deeds from this lovely young lady who's in pain yet still managed to think of others. To read more about Mackenzie Bearup visit
Peter Horsfield

Robert Bernstein - Extraordinary People Changing the Game - 0 views

    Meet the extraordinary and very well-known publisher, philanthropist and human rights activist who founded Human Rights Watch, an organization that focuses on promoting human rights throughout the world, and the more recent Advancing Human Rights, Robert Bernstein. A dedicated and passionate leader of human rights, Robert has spent his entire life promoting human rights both in closed and open societies. "Dictatorships must be brought up to the level of democracies." To read more about Robert Bernstein visit
Peter Horsfield

William Kamkwamba - Extraordinary People Changing the Game - 0 views

    Meet the extraordinary William Kamkwamba. At 14 years old, William built windmills from scratch to power his house and irrigate their fields. When he was told he could no longer continue school, he kept reading and from there learned how to build windmills using diagrams. "We skip the problem by creating our own solutions." To read more about William Kamkwamba visit
Peter Horsfield

Leslie Dewan - Extraordinary People Changing the Game - 0 views

    Meet the extraordinary entrepreneur, scientist and nuclear engineer who is most known for her design, the Waste-Annihilating Molten Salt Reactor, a nuclear reactor design that not only eliminates reactor waste by reusing it as nuclear fuel, but also provides more electricity than the conventional nuclear reactor, Leslie Dewan. "If you want to bring change to any field, beat away at a problem until you solve it." Leslie Dewan
Peter Horsfield

Mike Reynolds - Extraordinary People Changing the Game - 0 views

    Meet the extraordinary environmentalist and architect who is most famous for the "Earthship Biotecture", an architectural building design that aims to create sustainable and eco-friendly homes to reduce stress and make living more comfortable and at the same time benefiting the environment, Michael "Mike" Reynolds. "If you walk the talk, you don't have to talk that much." To read more about Mike Reynolds visit
Peter Horsfield

Juliana Rotich - Extraordinary People Changing the Game - 0 views

    Meet the extraordinary young entrepreneur, philanthropist, blogger and IT professional who is most known for developing Ushahidi, an open-source software platform that is designed to provide crisis reporting and information, Juliana Rotich. "I am, as optimistic about the world, and as action-oriented as I aspired to be". To read more about Juliana Rotich visit
Peter Horsfield

Ami Dar - Extraordinary People Changing the Game - 0 views

    Meet the extraordinary website developer, internet entrepreneur and philanthropist who is most known for being the great mind behind, one of the largest non-profit websites in the world, Ami Dar. Connecting millions of people with thousands of charitable organizations worldwide, has been significant in the success of the non-profit industry. "Be careful with your time - it's the only truly finite resource you have". To read more about Ami Dar visit:
Peter Horsfield

Richard Saul Wurman - Extraordinary People Changing the Game - 0 views

    Meet the extraordinary creator of the prestigious TED Conferences which he chaired it for more than a decade, Richard Saul Wurman. Other conferences he created and chaired are California 101, TEDSELL, TEDNYC, TED4Kobe in Japan, TEDMED and TEDCity in Toronto. He founded and chaired TEDMED which was eventually sold for millions of dollars. "Leadership is having an idea". To read more about Richard Saul Wurman visit
Peter Horsfield

Deepika Kurup - Extraordinary People Changing the Game - 0 views

    Meet the extraordinary inventor of a water purifier that uses solar energy to make water clean and safe to drink, Deepika Kurup. Her invention was featured in the 2013 White House Science Fair. She won the Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge in 2012 and was named "America's Top Young Scientist of 2012" for her invention. "A scientist is one who loves learning and getting a better understanding of the world." To read more about Deepika Kurup visit
Peter Horsfield

Ric O'Barry - Extraordinary People Changing the Game - 0 views

    Meet the extraordinary Richard O'Barry. He is a former dolphin hunter and trainer who turned activist after one of the dolphins he trained died in his arms. He is most popular for being the trainer of the five dolphins that were used in the 1960s television series "Flipper", as well as being the founder of the international organization "The Dolphin Project". "Everything starts with a dream". To read more about Richard O'Barry visit
Peter Horsfield

Richard Zimmerman - Extraordinary People Changing the Game - 0 views

    Meet the extraordinary philanthropist and animal activist who is most famous for being the founder of Orangutan Outreach, one of the largest animal conservation organizations in the world today,Richard Zimmerman. Aiming to not just protect and save the orangutans from extinction but also to get more people involved through the internet and other forms of media. "People have a strong voice via social media". To read more about Richard Zimmerman visit
Peter Horsfield

Ben Rattray - Extraordinary People Changing the Game - 0 views

    Meet the extraordinary Ben Rattray who founded, the biggest online petition site and the most successful so far. An aspiring banker who was trained all his life to go where the money is. He figured that wanting to just earn doesn't mean anything and so he devised a way wherein making profit goes hand in hand with inciting change. "People by themselves have very little power, but together they can do remarkable things." To read more about Ben Rattray visit
Peter Horsfield

Eesha Khare - Extraordinary People Changing the Game - 0 views

    Meet the extraordinary inventor of supercapacitor that can be recharged in 20 seconds, Eesha Khare. She won 50,000 dollars in 2013 in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. Her invention can be used in mobile phone batteries, cars, and other every-day gadgets. "Do not look at titles." To read more about Eesha Khare visit
Peter Horsfield

Will Allen - Extraordinary People Changing the Game - 0 views

    Meet the extraordinary Will Allen. He is a former professional basketball player and current urban farmer who is most noted for leading the successful urban farming organization, Growing Power. Throughout his career Will has been invited numerous times to speak about the importance and methods of urban farming, and he is considered to be among the top experts and leaders in urban farming today. "I've always eaten good food. I search out good food." To read more about Will Allen visit
Peter Horsfield

Justin Dillon - Extraordinary People Changing the Game - 0 views

    Meet the extraordinary singer, songwriter and philanthropist who is most known for directing the film documentary "CALL+RESPONSE" and co-founding the website "Slavery Footprint", Justin Dillon. His story of turning away from a bigger career opportunity in order to devote his life into fighting slave labor continues to amaze everyone who reads it. "My mission is to use inspiration to 'create' activation." To read more about Justin Dillon visit
Peter Horsfield

David Bellamy - Extraordinary People Changing the Game - 0 views

    Meet the extraordinary world-renowned author, environmental campaigner, botanist and former broadcaster who is most famous for his numerous television shows in BBC in the seventies and eighties, as well as his activism against the theory of global warming, David Bellamy. Throughout his career, he has been significant in promoting environmental care and protection. "When I see that the truth is being covered up I have to voice my ­opinions". To read more about David Bellamy visit
Peter Horsfield

Pierre Omidyar - Extraordinary People Changing the Game - 0 views

    Meet the extraordinary founder and head of eBay, the largest auctioning website in the world, Pierre Omidyar. He is also the co-founder of Omidyar Network, one of the largest philanthropic groups in the world. He is one of the 40 richest people who has given more than half of their revenue to charity. "The more we connect people, the more people know one another, the better the world will be." To read more about Pierre Omidyar visit
Peter Horsfield

David Mayer de Rothschild - Extraordinary People Changing the Game - 0 views

    Meet the extraordinary man who belongs to the richest family in the whole world-the only trillionaires and founder of Adventure Ecology, an organization that taps the youth to get them into environmental causes, David Mayer de Rothschild. He is also the founder of Sculpt the Future Foundation. "Every dream is a breeding ground for adventures". To read more about David Mayer de Rothschild visit
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