Limitless Libraries is a cooperative program of Nashville Public Library and Metro Nashville Public Schools with the goal of improving school libraries, fostering resource sharing between the two institutions, and improving student access to learning materials.
The second of Dr Joyce Valenza's sessions at the School Library Association of Victoria Make, Share, Do conference held on Friday 30th July focused on the use of social media to promote reading.
Includes slideshare
"This 275-page free downloadable resource contains dozens of lesson plans that implement AASL's Standards for the 21st-Century Learner in the context of the curriculum. Contributing authors include more than 30 teacher-librarians. "
New Canaan High School - This is a first intorduction to our new library catalog which includes a plethora of social features. We created this tutorial for English students selecting independent reading books. We were pretty psyched to find that independent reading selection classes were schduled with librarians on the very first full day of school this year!
Focussing on the digital revolution and ignoring the pivotal role that a good school library can play is to achieve only a percentage of what is possible - regardless of how good it seems , it's just not good enough!
The potential for augmented reality in iibraries and media centers - with some ideas and sites to explore the technology
Reaction to Chris Harris' SLJ article
pdf document: + What is Web 2.0?
+ Why use Web 2.0?
+ Benefits of Web 2.0
+ Implementing Web 2.0 Services
+ Staffing Implications of Web 2.0
+ Legal Implications of Web 2.0
+ Integrating Web 2.0
+ Web 2.0 and Future-Proofing
+ Web 2.0 and Internal Systems