Key Challenges in Integrating ICTs in Education Although valuable lessons may be learned from best practices around the world, there is no one formula for determining the optimal level of ICT integration in the educational system. Significant challenges that policymakers and planners, educators, education administrators, and other stakeholders need to consider include educational policy and planning, infrastructure, language and content, capacity building, and financing.
These tools motivate students to learn, share, and develop presentation and collaboration skills needed in their future careers. Teaching them how to do this now means we are preparing them for their future effectively! Rarely will a student have to fill out a bubble test for their careers, but trust me many will have to prepare presentations, brainstorm ideas, be creative, and collaborate on teams through ICTs.
Here is my very modest proposal: we pick the top "ICT skills" that classroom teachers should be able to expect of all students and design short, authentic tasks that can be easily assessed. If each core classroom teacher gives and evaluates one skill at the beginning of the freshman year, a profile of every student can be compiled and remediation can be provided through classes taught by the librarian.
It's time for school librarians to speak out about how they help students meet learning standards. This advocacy kit provides templates and talking points for meetings with students, teachers, administrators, school boards and parents.
Google Docs - New Fonts & Templates Google Search Education Using Google Docs to Facilitate a Writer's Workshop Google Apps Aligned with Bloom's Taxonomy
From The girl, 17, had been helping her grandmother count the 72-year-old woman's personal savings. Apparently wishing to impress her friends and the world at large, the teen snapped a picture of the cash and uploaded it to Facebook.