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Diigo Community

Diigo Community

3471 Items, 8655 Members

Share your review, tips, tricks, and ideas for using Diigo here, and discuss our features, ideas for new features, anything Diigo related. Note that bookmarks posted to this group have no relation to 'Hot Bookmarks from the Diigo Community'.

Web 2.0 Tools

Web 2.0 Tools

8057 Items, 4387 Members

A collection of Web 2.0 or Cloud based tools for educators, creative & social entrepreneurs. Owner Janos Haits. No spam, SEO or web marketing links please!



1227 Items, 3344 Members

Collaboration is an exciting domain given the Internet's ability to transcend boundaries, uniting individuals and networks in common goals. Let's celebrate and document this phenomena as it evolves before our eyes. Now that's collaboration!

Juiced on Writing

Juiced on Writing

353 Items, 914 Members

Overall writing group to add writing links to - creative writing, fiction, non-fiction, techniques, courses, freelance writing, writing and blogs, writing software, how-to write.



14433 Items, 2555 Members

Educators sharing bookmarks and best practice. We have a set of standard tags to help us share things that you may use in addition to your tags. (You may subscribe to these tags via RSS feed by subject area, which makes it very useful.) Fully disclose WHY you want to join and who you are. SPA...



336 Items, 997 Members

Diigo Feature Requests Community

Diigo Feature Requests Community

28 Items, 105 Members

Share & Discuss Which New Features u want to see in Diigo site & Toolbar. As An Obsessed Diigo User I Created this Group to Consolidate all Diigo Feature Requests . I Hope It will Help Diigo Creators to View all Requests in 1 Place. Lets Make Diigo BEST Social Website :)

Let's Manga

Let's Manga

5210 Items, 149 Members

A knowledge base for research on Japanese manga, containing academic books and articles, and interesting non-academic blog posts and news tidbits. Built for the Let's Manga project (learn more at

Plurking Educators

Plurking Educators

728 Items, 102 Members

A group for people who are using plurk for educational networking and/or learning from the personal learning network