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My Groups
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Cool Tools for Educators!

Cool Tools for Educators!

895 Items, 3409 Members

This is a place to share cool new educational tools with others!

All things food

All things food

825 Items, 1697 Members

I love to cook- and so do you. You're here aren't you. Here you will find and add recipe websites, cooking sites, fun or tasty cooking recipes, kitchen tips, ect.,



4982 Items, 2184 Members

These are the sites I've bookmarked as good for teachers to use or are about education

History Teachers

History Teachers

4192 Items, 1603 Members

This group is for any history teacher interested in sharing online sources and teaching ideas to improve the quality of history teaching and learning in high schools and universities. Just search the group tags for the time period, region and type of source you require and Bob's your uncle.

Science teachers

Science teachers

616 Items, 820 Members

A group for Science Teachers to share links and experiences.

Open Homeschooling

Open Homeschooling

28 Items, 11 Members

This is a secular, open homeschooling group. Please share links on curricula, resources, online schools, eLearning and Open Learning, educational software, support groups and networks, legal links, and any other links of interest to homeschoolers.



51 Items, 14 Members

Great homeschool curriculum finds

At Home Science

At Home Science

69 Items, 8 Members

Links useful for teaching science at home.