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My Groups
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Tech News

Tech News

11440 Items, 2899 Members

This is the right place where you can share all the news from the IT domain, including cool gadgets, cars and tech innovations. Please submit only posts in English!



2902 Items, 6249 Members

discuss everything about Web2.0

Teaching and Learning with Web 2.0

Teaching and Learning with Web 2.0

1983 Items, 3319 Members

This Diigo group is dedicated to the topic of Teaching and Learning with Web 2.0.

The Apple Group

The Apple Group

1512 Items, 3807 Members

This is the group for everything Apple. From Mac Mini to the iPhone...

Blogging and Social-Media

Blogging and Social-Media

660 Items, 1523 Members

Everyone who's interested in blogging, web 2.0 and social media is cordially invited to join this group and participate in it! We'll discuss blogging, web 2.0 and social media as well as related topics.

Future of the Web

Future of the Web

3839 Items, 859 Members

Watching the grand convergence of the desktop, the server, devices, and the Web. Topics addressed include events and emerging trends in universal interoperability, standards development, SOA, Clouds, Web-Stacks, RIA run-times, etc.

Asia technology

Asia technology

1492 Items, 327 Members



369 Items, 179 Members

Outils Web pour entreprise (2.0)