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Diigo In Education

Diigo In Education

28355 Items, 57453 Members

“Diigo In Education” - Phase I just released. More to come.. Share your classroom usecase, ideas, reviews, features, and wishlists for making Diigo a great resource and platform in teaching and learning. Let's explore the full potential of Diigo as an educational tool.

Truluck/Kidwell Honors English period 3

Truluck/Kidwell Honors English period 3

1 Items, 2 Members

In this space we keep our ongoing honors dialogue 'journal.' Please ask questions or in any way further the discussion about English learning. "The learning" topics includes but are not limited to: the reading, the writing, and the classroom environment.

Truluck/Kidwell Honors English period 5

Truluck/Kidwell Honors English period 5

3 Items, 7 Members

Honors work. All honors students must respond to and discuss 3-5 articles. Honors students can also suggest articles or links for posting. Enjoy.

Truluck honors english period 1

Truluck honors english period 1

2 Items, 1 Members

In this space we keep our ongoing honors dialogue 'journal.'