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Diigo In Education

Diigo In Education

28355 Items, 57453 Members

“Diigo In Education” - Phase I just released. More to come.. Share your classroom usecase, ideas, reviews, features, and wishlists for making Diigo a great resource and platform in teaching and learning. Let's explore the full potential of Diigo as an educational tool.



4911 Items, 2077 Members

A group for teacher-librarians to help share, network, and grow



0 Items, 1 Members

Police in Schools Debate

Police in Schools Debate

29 Items, 30 Members

Base 10 Research

Base 10 Research

11 Items, 31 Members

A place for students to collect evaluated resources

Becoming a Connected Educator

Becoming a Connected Educator

5 Items, 17 Members

A place to share found resources

Lounsberry Facebook Debate

Lounsberry Facebook Debate

4 Items, 1 Members

A place to keep track of resources. Please label if article is:Affirmative, Negative or Both