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Diigo In Education

Diigo In Education

28355 Items, 57453 Members

“Diigo In Education” - Phase I just released. More to come.. Share your classroom usecase, ideas, reviews, features, and wishlists for making Diigo a great resource and platform in teaching and learning. Let's explore the full potential of Diigo as an educational tool.

SSIS School

SSIS School

24 Items, 4 Members

SSIS School group

Carol Morgan School

Carol Morgan School

81 Items, 7 Members

This Diigo group was created in order to help CMS educators, students, parents, and alumni to share useful resources with the community. In order to help maintain well structured and efficient searching we will create a global tagging system. This will allow everyone to use the same tags and wil...

Syria SEE Project

Syria SEE Project

13 Items, 2 Members

This is a place to book mark and annotate potential sources for your project. You will take the best ones and print them out so that you can complete the required steps that Mr. Hammond wants you to do. Anyone that is part of this group can add to the list.