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Trade 4 Target - 0 views

    Trade 4 target : Announces Most Promising Share Tips for Indian Stock. Trade 4 target one of those millions of online portals which offer exclusive tips for different stock trading options on Indian stock Market. With its accuracy and in time predictions it has gained immense repute adaptability among...

Why do Indians have an Inferiority Complex - YouTube - 0 views

    Last thousand years of Indian history has been very rough. First there is the Muslim rule from 11th to 18th century and then there was the British rule for the next 200 years. All of this has completely shaken our national confidence. Traditional social practices such as caste system, child marriage, dowry and Sati practice do not help the matters either.

Sati Pratha in India: Origins and History of Suttee - YouTube - 0 views

    Sati Pratha (or Suttee Practice) is one of the major abominations of Indian culture, which has been rightfully banned. Our culture gets a lot of criticism that such a thing was practiced in our country. However we should realize that all the cultures had similar ill practices in the past such as witch

What is more Important, Nation or Religion? - YouTube - 0 views

    Last thousand years of Indian history has been very rough. First there is the Muslim rule from 11th to 18th century and then there was the British rule for the next 200 years. All of this has completely shaken our national confidence. Traditional social practices such as caste system, child marriage, dowry and Sati practice do not help the matters either.

Why Read Ramayana: 5 Reasons - YouTube - 0 views

    Ramayana is a great Indian Epic poem, which along with Mahabharata forms the Hindu Itihasa. Although considered a Hindu religious text, this is a great story everyone should read including the people who have no association with Hinduism
shohan tis

JAMily Fusion Band - live improv at Varanasi, India - YouTube - 0 views

    On 23rd December 2018, a group of friends & strangers, students & teachers, Europeans & Indians, got together for an experimental, sacred, high-energy JAMily concert at a vegan restaurant in Varanasi, India. This is an excerpt of our language of music! At minute 7, on a totally different context, I was inspired to lay down some vocals with lyrics from the Cypriot traditional song "Ela korou na doume ta mavra sou ta mathkia". The video includes our journey from the guesthouse to the venue with our instruments and our smiles, through holy Ganga river! Besides our Indian Classical Music studies with our masters during our stay in Varanasi that month, we were inspired to put forward a methodological tool, called THE ELEMENT KEY SYSTEM, which is essentially a sign language for musicians to use in order to conduct one another while improvising with music; and expanded to applications to life itself! Stay tuned for more info and Element Key workshops throughout Europe in the summer 2019! Brought to you by artists from Sweden, Cyprus, India, France & Denmark with their Hang Drum, Tabla, Guitars, Tampura, Flutes, Percussions, Voice, etc. Subscribe for my quarterly newsletter on or follow me on all social media under Marlia project, such as Do you want to develop your voice to its full potential, so you can use it in a natural, relaxed way? Are you unsatisfied with the sound of your voice? Do you dream of learning how to improve your singing/speaking but you're too busy to fit one more thing in your schedule? Were you told that singing is not for you, and so you are feeling shy about it? If your answer is YES to any of the above questions, then the "Rising Voice" **Rising Voice - 21 Day: Follow me
mando kong

The Maldives - 0 views

    Maldives are small islands located in the continent of Asia in the Indian Ocean, a Muslim country where most of its population are Muslims, and passes by the south of the equator.
trade 4 target - 0 views

  • offer stock advisory services in Indian Stock Market Tips, Trading Tips, Share Tips, Nifty Tips, Nifty Trading Tips, Nifty Option Tips, Intraday Tips, Intraday trading tips and much more.
trade 4 target - 0 views

    Trade4Target, trade 4 target, offer stock advisory services in Indian Stock Market Tips, Trading Tips, Share Tips, Nifty Tips, Nifty Trading Tips, Nifty Option Tips, Intraday Tips, Intraday trading tips and much more
trade 4 target

trade 4 target - 0 views

    Indian Stock Markets are very volatile in very nature but regardless of it everyone tried to predict the daily movements in the markets on his own. Not everyone can do this perfectly, so it requires a specialist's job to track the stock and commodities markets and thus make a conclusion about the market directions. Forecasting or predicting the markets is an art in itself. Trade4target have best tools but a man without any software's or any other modes may just predict the better way.
trade 4 target

trade 4 target - 0 views

    Indian Stock Markets are very volatile in very nature but regardless of it everyone tried to predict the daily movements in the markets on his own. Not everyone can do this perfectly, so it requires a specialist's job to track the stock and commodities markets and thus make a conclusion about the market directions. Forecasting or predicting the markets is an art in itself. Trade4target have best tools but a man without any software's or any other modes may just predict the better way.
trade 4 target

Stock Tips - 0 views

    Option tips is dedicated towards unfurling the expertise of those Option veterans in the Indian Stock Market domain who are involved in providing option tips in index and equity Options ,Hedging with options,Call & Put Writing Strategies . We bring them all to one common platform Option tips. Stock-Tips Share-tips options-trading

Explaining Caste System in India: Is it just limited to India? - YouTube - 0 views

    Caste system is one of the biggest evils in our culture and it is so unfortunate that it is still present in our country. We have made a lot of progress in removing it, however changes like these take centuries

जानिये क्या है पतिव्रता नारी की शक्ति - YouTube - 0 views

    आइए चार समाजों की कल्पना करें सोसायटी एक मोनोगामी लागू करती है, जहां प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को केवल एक व्यक्ति से शादी करने की इजाजत होती है,

Understanding the Significance of Shiva's Third Eye - YouTube - 0 views

    In today's video, let's focus on his third eye. So, what is the meaning of Shiva's third eye? Shiva's third eye is located on his forehead and most of the times remain closed. However when Shiva opens his third eye, it destroys everything that it sees.

भगवान ब्रह्मा की पूजा क्यों नहीं की जाती? - YouTube - 0 views

    अधिकांश संस्कृतियों में, इस दुनिया को बनाने वाले भगवान की बड़े पैमाने पर पूजा की जाती है, हालांकि हिंदू धर्म थोड़ा अजीब है। हिंदू धर्म में कहा जाता है कि ब्रह्मा ने दुनिया को बनाया है और फिर भी हिंदुओं द्वारा इस भगवान की पूजा शायद ही कभी की जाती है

Why Hindus do not Worship Brahma - YouTube - 0 views

    In most cultures, the god who created this world is worshipped extensively, however Hinduism is a little strange. In Hinduism Brahma is said to have created the world and yet this god is rarely worshipped by Hindus.

राष्ट्र अधिक महत्वपूर्ण होता है या धर्म? - YouTube - 0 views

    अधिकांश संस्कृतियों में, इस दुनिया को बनाने वाले भगवान की बड़े पैमाने पर पूजा की जाती है, हालांकि हिंदू धर्म थोड़ा अजीब है। हिंदू धर्म में कहा जाता है कि ब्रह्मा ने दुनिया को बनाया है और फिर भी हिंदुओं द्वारा इस भगवान की पूजा शायद ही कभी की जाती है। क्यूं कर? आपके पास इस वीडियो के अंत तक इस प्रश्न का उत्तर होगा।

भारत में जाति प्रथा की उत्पत्ति और इतिहास - YouTube - 0 views

    जाति व्यवस्था हमारी संस्कृति में सबसे बड़ी बुराइयों में से एक है और यह इतनी दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण है कि यह अभी भी हमारे देश में मौजूद है। हमने इसे हटाने में बहुत प्रगति की है, हालांकि इस तरह के बदलाव सदियों से लेते हैं।

The Importance of Devoted Wives in building Strong Societies - YouTube - 0 views

    Society A enforces monogamy, where every individual is only allowed to marry one person be it a man or a woman.
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