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Sati Pratha in India: Origins and History of Suttee - YouTube - 0 views

    Sati Pratha (or Suttee Practice) is one of the major abominations of Indian culture, which has been rightfully banned. Our culture gets a lot of criticism that such a thing was practiced in our country. However we should realize that all the cultures had similar ill practices in the past such as witch

Explaining Caste System in India: Is it just limited to India? - YouTube - 0 views

    Caste system is one of the biggest evils in our culture and it is so unfortunate that it is still present in our country. We have made a lot of progress in removing it, however changes like these take centuries

Why Hindus do not Worship Brahma - YouTube - 0 views

    In most cultures, the god who created this world is worshipped extensively, however Hinduism is a little strange. In Hinduism Brahma is said to have created the world and yet this god is rarely worshipped by Hindus.

जानिये क्या है पतिव्रता नारी की शक्ति - YouTube - 0 views

    आइए चार समाजों की कल्पना करें सोसायटी एक मोनोगामी लागू करती है, जहां प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को केवल एक व्यक्ति से शादी करने की इजाजत होती है,

Why do Indians have an Inferiority Complex - YouTube - 0 views

    Last thousand years of Indian history has been very rough. First there is the Muslim rule from 11th to 18th century and then there was the British rule for the next 200 years. All of this has completely shaken our national confidence. Traditional social practices such as caste system, child marriage, dowry and Sati practice do not help the matters either.

What is more Important, Nation or Religion? - YouTube - 0 views

    Last thousand years of Indian history has been very rough. First there is the Muslim rule from 11th to 18th century and then there was the British rule for the next 200 years. All of this has completely shaken our national confidence. Traditional social practices such as caste system, child marriage, dowry and Sati practice do not help the matters either.

भगवान ब्रह्मा की पूजा क्यों नहीं की जाती? - YouTube - 0 views

    अधिकांश संस्कृतियों में, इस दुनिया को बनाने वाले भगवान की बड़े पैमाने पर पूजा की जाती है, हालांकि हिंदू धर्म थोड़ा अजीब है। हिंदू धर्म में कहा जाता है कि ब्रह्मा ने दुनिया को बनाया है और फिर भी हिंदुओं द्वारा इस भगवान की पूजा शायद ही कभी की जाती है

Why Read Ramayana: 5 Reasons - YouTube - 0 views

    Ramayana is a great Indian Epic poem, which along with Mahabharata forms the Hindu Itihasa. Although considered a Hindu religious text, this is a great story everyone should read including the people who have no association with Hinduism

राष्ट्र अधिक महत्वपूर्ण होता है या धर्म? - YouTube - 0 views

    अधिकांश संस्कृतियों में, इस दुनिया को बनाने वाले भगवान की बड़े पैमाने पर पूजा की जाती है, हालांकि हिंदू धर्म थोड़ा अजीब है। हिंदू धर्म में कहा जाता है कि ब्रह्मा ने दुनिया को बनाया है और फिर भी हिंदुओं द्वारा इस भगवान की पूजा शायद ही कभी की जाती है। क्यूं कर? आपके पास इस वीडियो के अंत तक इस प्रश्न का उत्तर होगा।

भारत में जाति प्रथा की उत्पत्ति और इतिहास - YouTube - 0 views

    जाति व्यवस्था हमारी संस्कृति में सबसे बड़ी बुराइयों में से एक है और यह इतनी दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण है कि यह अभी भी हमारे देश में मौजूद है। हमने इसे हटाने में बहुत प्रगति की है, हालांकि इस तरह के बदलाव सदियों से लेते हैं।

The Importance of Devoted Wives in building Strong Societies - YouTube - 0 views

    Society A enforces monogamy, where every individual is only allowed to marry one person be it a man or a woman.

6 Things you Probably didn't know about Goddess Lakshmi - YouTube - 0 views

    This Diwali, while performing Lakshmi Puja, it will be interesting for you to know following thing about our Goddess of Wealth

Kobi Gaan । part - Two । Nari Purush । Bangladesh । New Look - YouTube - 0 views

    Kobi Gaan is a interesting folk culture of Bangladesh.

Kobi Gaan । part - one । Nari Purush । Bangladesh । Folk Culture । New Look... - 0 views

    Kobi Gaan. Part - one. It's a Folk Performance. Kobi Gaan is very Popular in Bangladesh and India west bangle.
shohan tis

༊༊༊ Bountiful Goddess Temple Pilgrimage ༊༊༊ 1-7 July 2023 * GREECE * RETREAT ... - 0 views

    Soul Sound Academy presents ༊༊༊ Bountiful Goddess Temple Pilgrimage ༊༊༊ with Marlia Coeur as your guide and vocal activator 1-7 July 2023 * GREECE * RETREAT A 7-day Temple Pilgrimage Retreat FOR WOMEN ONLY with Sacred Delphi Oracle traditions "The Lord whose oracle is at Delphi neither reveals nor conceals, but gives a sign." ~ Heraclitus Meditation Transmissions * Vocal Activation * Earth Gridding * Sacred Rituals * Water Purification * Drum Healing * Sacred prayers ༊ Bountiful Goddess is a 7-day Temple Pilgrimage retreat with vocal activation sessions, rituals and meditation transmissions at Ancient Greek Temples of Delos island, Acropolis, Delphi, Sounio & Aegina island. Discover your Archetypal Mission in Ancient Greece Temple Pilgrimage on the islands & mainland Immerse yourself in globally renowned Archaeological Sites Vocal Activation at Temple of Isis and more Triangular connection of Temples - Map Sacred Geometry explanation Female Leadership in Modern Oracle Women Spring water purification Esoteric Mysticism in Ancient Greece "Cultures have long heard wisdom in non-human voices: Apollo, god of music, medicine and knowledge, came to Delphi in the form of a dolphin. But dolphins, which fill the oceans with blipping and chirping, and whales, which mew and caw in ultramarine jazz - a true rhapsody in blue - are hunted to the edge of silence." ~ Jay Griffiths ༊ OUR SCHEDULE: 1 July - Meeting in Mykonos island 2 July - Boat to Delos island, Visit to many Temples 3 July - Boat to Athens, Visit to Acropolis Temple 4 July - Bus to Delphi, Visit to Museum and Temple of Apollo 5 July - Bus to Sounio, Visit to Temples of Athena & Poseidon 6 July - Boat to Aegina island, Visit to Temple of Aphaia 7 July - Final Ritual & Departures All the info Registration 30% deposit to secure your spot. Completion of full amount transfer by June 6th 2023. Shared in 2-bed room
shohan tis

Erica's dance performance 'The Pleiades' accompanied by Marlia's music - YouTube - 0 views

    A dance performance by Erica Charalambous Improv music design by Marlia [looper, effex, voice, guitar] Rising Voice - 21 Day: Part of the Creative Women Conference, Cyprus May 2017 "TAYGETE, ONE OF THE PLEIADES" Taygete (Tiggy) - in the myths, Taygete, like Maia, valued her independence and lived alone in the mountains. Zeus also had his eyes set on Taygete and tried to seduce her. Before he could reach her, she ran into the arms of Artemis, who turned Taygete into a doe so that she could escape the clutches of Zeus. For millennia the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades, immortalised in the famous Pleiades star cluster, have been objects of wonder and fascination across the globe. They have been the subject of myths and legends in almost every culture on the planet. The Pleiades were seven sisters: Maia, Alcyone, Asterope, Celaeno, Taygete, Electra, and Merope. Their parents were Atlas, a Titan commanded by the god Zeus to hold up the earth, and Pleione, the mythical protectress of sailors. The Seven Sisters are also known as the 'Water Girls' or the 'Ice Maidens', due to their association with water, be it seas, rivers, rain, hail, snow, ice or frost. The Greek legends often refer to the sisters as 'Oceanids'. Some sources claim that the name 'Pleiades' originates from the ancient Greek word 'plein', meaning 'to sail'. _

Understanding the Significance of Shiva's Third Eye - YouTube - 0 views

    In today's video, let's focus on his third eye. So, what is the meaning of Shiva's third eye? Shiva's third eye is located on his forehead and most of the times remain closed. However when Shiva opens his third eye, it destroys everything that it sees.

Kobi Gaan । part - one । Nari Purush । Bangladesh । Folk Culture । New Look... - 0 views

    Kobi Gaan.


    PLZ LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE!! Even once lockdowns were in place across much of the EU, the UK hadn't even ordered cafes, restaurants and pubs to close (they moved to do so on Friday evening). Instead, people there were asked to stay at home, with a significant number ignoring government advice. Singapore, a nation which acted rapidly and uncompromisingly to the pandemic, accused countries like Britain and Switzerland of "abandoning any measure to contain or restrain the virus". Many argue that a delayed and disjointed European response, coupled with cultural attitudes, helped the virus to take hold.
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