Digitally Speaking / Social Bookmarking and Annotating - 0 views
social bookmarking applications take advantage of the wisdom of millions of users to identify resources worth exploring
if you find someone whose thinking stimulates yours, you can "see" what it is that is leaving them jazzed on any given day
It's an instant "starting point" for researching.
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I've been thinking about how some of the Diigo tools can help students to become a more thoughtful, slower, more considered process. "Carr goes on to argue that reading online---the most prominent form of reading for many---has devolved into nothing more than "power browsing," a horizontal trip through text characterized by skimming in search of content that is immediately engaging and accessible. Concentration is irrelevant to the online reader, as new pathways are only a quick click away. "Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words," writes Carr, "Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski." " I agree that students tend to skim and perhaps look for nuggets they can use in their own writing when they read online. Changing this is what I want to use Diigo for.