It's Simple! Experience An Amazingly Real Lucid Dream! | Day To Day Tips - 0 views
Ammy EWSIS on 06 Jan 10This is a detailed article about lucid dreaming and how fun it is for a person to experience it. Being able to lucid dream is like entering another dimension where weird is normal and life is extraordinary. I've never actually experienced lucid dreaming, but what I do know that Lucid dreaming is one of the funnest experiences a person can enjoy. The article states,"You can open your own doorway to some amazing experiences by learning and mastering the practice of Lucid Dreaming. Imagine if you will, having the ability to meet and interact with famous people, taking fantastic sci-fi adventures, visiting galaxies far away, creating and manipulating fantasy worlds and touring them or ruling them, and even finally having your dream job or hobby without all the work or mess to get there! You can even meet lost loved ones or distant relatives since anything is possible with your lucid dreaming imagination!" How wonderful will it be to be able to do all of those stuff? You know how sometimes when your mother forces you to go to sleep but you don't want to because you want to finish playing a video game or finish chatting with your favorite person? Some people don't enjoy sleeping because they believe that sleeping is a waste of time. However, if those people actually knew how it felt to be lucid dreaming, wouldn't they have the urge to go to sleep every night? It will be like an adventure waiting for you...Some people may be unhappy with their lives, but with the help of lucid dreaming, anything you want is possible ! ( in your dreams of course) So you're probably wondering, does everyone have the ability to lucid dream?Well yes of course ! With the help of technological developments, it is now possible for everyone to lucid dream. Others will tell you to try different foods such as pickles, ice cream, fish, popcorn etc because they swear by the ability of these foods to produce the right conditions for lucid dreaming. From another article that I've read, there are ways