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Michelle Krill

Yodio - Add voice to photos - 0 views

    Yodio offers an integrated, one-stop digital publishing service where anyone can go to self-record, produce, and share audio recordings (podcasts) and personal broadcasts (audio synchronized with digital photos). Using Yodio's free production system, most anyone can combine digital photos with their recorded audio to create rich media presentations. What is a rich-media presentation? Think voice narrated power point presentations or photo albums. Now think of them being shared in a player similar to YouTube, so they can be streamed throughout the internet or the player can be embedded in other websites, blogs, etc. This is personal broadcast with the sharing part operating on steroids! You can link, e-mail, embed, and in many cases download as an MP3 file. It's made to share memories and photos that are made more interesting and informative by adding your own voice.
Michelle Krill

skrbl: easy to share online whiteboard - 0 views

    Share resources with your team, co browse the web, annotate shared documents, video phone, skype calls ... share ideas, communicate & sync like never before. 'team-skrbl' is the next best thing to being in the same room.
Michelle Krill

Stixy: For Flexible Online Creation Collaboration and Sharing - 0 views

    Think of Stixy as your online bulletin board. Create as many Stixyboards as you like, one for each project. Use Stixy to easily organize and share: * Your family's schedule * Projects at work * An upcoming holiday with your friends * Your photos from your last bike trip * Or share a file or two with a friend Only you set the limitations for how you want to use Stixy.
Michelle Krill Simple Private Exchange - 0 views

    Use to create drops and privately share your files by web, email, phone, fax, and more. Drops are protected from search engines so you can conveniently share what you want, how you want, with whom you want.
Michelle Krill

MyFolio - 0 views

    MyFolio is a new online community of artists and creatives. Our website allows users to upload and share their videos, images, audios, files and to also build a personalized portfolio. While MyFolio was created with a single vision of becoming one of the largest art sharing websites, its purpose is anything but singular. Designed by the creative mind, for the creative mind, is the ultimate destination for creatives and art enthusiasts looking to connect with other artists, prospective employers, and the general public.
Michelle Krill

Read & Create Children's Picture Books Online - - 0 views

    Big Universe® is an award winning web community devoted to beautiful children's picture books. READ hundreds of offerings from today's best children's book publishers, CREATE e-books with the help of an easy-to-use Author Tool, and CONNECT with other Big Universe members to share your creations and to learn what books they have read, created, or recommend. Parents, teachers, kids, authors, and others can share and learn while they enjoy this educational and entertaining website.
Michelle Krill

Pageflakes - 0 views

    Welcome to the Teacher Edition of Pageflakes You can customize this page by adding and deleting Flakes (Widgets). Click the yellow button at the top right corner to: * browse the Educational Gallery * change the layout * customize your theme * share and publish your page By default, all your pages are private. To publish a page or to share it with your colleagues please click on "Make Pagecast". Of course you can have as many pages (tabs) as you want.
Michelle Krill

Showbeyond - Tell Stories, Your Stories (slidecast creator, multimedia slidecast, podca... - 0 views

    Showbeyond is a multimedia slidecast creator, online publishing platform, and story sharing community. With Showbeyond, you can easily grab your images, then add your sound and text to create multimedia stories. Now you can share your stories with friends or post to blogs and social networking sites!
Michelle Krill

StainedGlass Collage - 0 views

    With StainedGlass Collages you share more than just collections of photographs; you share entire events.
Michelle Krill

SchoolTube :: Home - 0 views

    SchoolTube provides students and educators a safe, world class, and FREE media sharing website that is nationally endorsed by premier education associations. SchoolTube is the recognized leader for moderated, internet media sharing for teachers and students. All student created materials on SchoolTube must be approved by registered teachers, follow local school guidelines, and adhere to our high standards.
    Video for students, by students
Lauri Brady - 2 views

    This site allows you to generate a help URL so friends and family can send you instant screen recordings to help troubleshoot computer issues. Share the e-mail with those who share computer issues with you. No software or download required....Simply click, record, and submit. An e-mail is sent to you with a link to a page where you can go and view the flash recording of the screencast. URL expires in 7 days from time or recording, but screencasts can be downloaded in mp4 format. 5 minute time limit. Easy enough to use with screencasts for posting on your website. Very quick and easy to learn and use!
Michelle Krill

Great Book Stories wiki - 0 views

    This is a collaborative wiki space for K-20 students and educators wanting to: 1. LISTEN AND SEE: Access stories about great books 2. CREATE: Author original stories about great books 3. SHARE: Safely share stories about great books with a global audience and receive feedback!
Michelle Krill

ShoutEm - Video - 0 views

    Shout'Em is platform on which you can easily start co-branded microbloging social networking service. Something simple as Twitter or with more features like attachments, photos, links... It is up to you :) Networks on Shout'Em are "lightweight social networks". They have small set of features: microblogging, links and photo sharing, geo location sharing and mobile browser support. We belive that microblogging concept is more suitable for small comunities loking for simple service to comunicate than existing social networks with tons of features.
Michelle Krill

Creative Commons Video Sharing Sites and Social Media Tools - Podcasting Law - Zimbio - 0 views

    A roundup of online video hosting services and related tools that support publishing under Creative Commons. These are services for sharing documentaries, movies and short video clips that can be legally downloaded and freely distributed under the terms of license.
Marge Runkle

Slide - slideshows, slide shows, photo sharing, image hosting, widgets, MySpace codes, ... - 0 views

    Slide lets you use photos and other digital content to publish and discover the people and things that matter to you. With a super easy set-up, clean interface and multiple transition and theme options, Slide is among the most popular tools for self expression on the web today. Slide can be embedded onto any website, viewed on your desktop or shared with your friends or fans. Slide supports dozens of social networking and blog platforms, including MySpace, MySpace Blogs, Bebo, Blogger, eBay, Facebook, Friendster, Hi5, livedoor, LiveJournal, Piczo,,, Tagged, Typepad, Windows Live Spaces, Wretch, Yahoo! 360 and Xanga.
Marge Runkle

The Knowledge Sharing Place - LiveBinders - 0 views

    LiveBinders are the best way to organize and share information online. Live Binders could be an excellent tool for students to use to create online booklets of resources they find online combined with content that they've created. Or students could build Live Binders to showcase the work that they've done.
Ben Louey

Learn-gasm - Educating & Exciting - 0 views

    Blogs offer an excellent way for communities to come together over a common interest despite physical location. Educators can take advantage of this shared pool of knowledge to find inspiration, enhance their teaching, and help students learn more. The following blog posts come from a variety of bloggers sharing their passion and insight.
Marge Runkle

YUDU Library - 0 views

    It's a free library of digital content to read and explore. Find eBooks, magazines, and other documents as well as photos, music and podcasts and bookmarks and add them to your own library.\n\nCreate your own interest groups and join other people's, to share your passions, experiences and knowledge with like-minded users.\n\nIt's a place where you can publish your expertise and creative work online, to promote, share or sell to the world.\n\nAt the heart of YUDU is an award winning multimedia publishing system that brings together the power of the written word, video, audio and images.
Michelle Krill - Free Screen Sharing and Online Meetings - 1 views

    "It's an impromptu online meeting space that happens wherever, whenever. It's getting a second or third pair of eyes on your presentation from across the hall or across the continent. It's instant screen sharing with anyone or everyone to get stuff done, quickly."
Michelle Krill

Comiqs | Create & Share your Comic Stories - 0 views

    Comiqs is a service that lets users create and share their comic-style stories with the community. Assemble comics into a slideshow also.
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