The news coverage of the Norway mass-killings was fact-free conjecture - 35 views
SlutWalk is not sexual liberation | Gail Dines and Wendy J Murphy | Comment is free | T... - 28 views
I don't think that being a slut is a good thing, but I do think that there is such a large criteria to being called a slut, and women should not have change who they are or how they dress because they are called a slut. In many cases a girl is called a slut for having sex while the guy would be called a hero to his friends. I think society needs to adjust their definition of a slut, and notice that men are just as promiscuous women.
I think this is the reason that they want to use the word "slut" in their campaign. They want to sort of change the way in which slut is used in everyday language.
The women could have been a little upset that the police officer was following a old stereotype and that women do not have equal rights as men do (not able to dress up freely)
That must have been hard for them (I am referring to the women). I really don't understand why that kind of stereotype existed quite a while ago.
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Nike Women My Knees | AdWomen - 23 views
Cuts on knees!
Grey legs make them stand out from the pink and purple behind.
The color of the legs is such a contrast to the purple and pink colors in the background!
To me the knees stand out because of the space they occupy (almost half of the ad) and their monochrome tones against the colorful background.
I think the knees have been put into the foreground. It's quite bold.
The slogan "Just do it" is very striking.
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Your first source on the Language and Literature course!
"My knees are tomboys", is use of personification by giving knees the human characteristic of being a "tomboy". Much like the other advertisement on "thunder thighs", this advertisement is trying to make women proud to have scraped knees, instead of trying to hide them because they are considered "un-lady like" in society today. By bolding and coloring "My knees are tomboys", the playful words and subject can clearly catch someone's attention and draws the reader. By making the lines crooked and out of place, this makes the advertisement different than perhaps a straight, normal column and perhaps further suggesting to stray from the norm and stereotypes. This advertisement is clearly targeted to women because visually, the advertisement is pink and purple. Additionally, "wear my dresses short" is an example in the text itself that suggests this advertisement is directed to females.
Guardian Readers\' responses to \'Slutwalk\' marches - 18 views
On the wider point of reclaiming the word "slut" – language is an entirely valid arena for activism and is in no way a "waste of precious feminist resources". Language is dynamic and the use, subversion, reclaiming and disclaiming of it is hugely important to liberation.But I dislike the passive approach to language that some take: that there are words that we should cower away from because of their strength, saturation and history. I have power over language as well and I'm going to use it.
0381-o.jpg (800×581) - 17 views
Political cartoons and satirical sketches - 18 views
Nike Women I Have Thunder Thighs | AdWomen - 16 views
I think that this advertisement is emphasizing the stereotype that women usually want thinner legs, however instead of negatively viewing "thunder thighs", this Nike ad is perhaps trying to terminate the negative stereotype. By using purple and pink colors, the advertisement further targets women. By bolding and enlarging "I have thunder thighs", not only catches people's eye, but the advertisement also shows that this particular narrator is proud of her "thunder thighs", further proving its point. This advertisement works to persuade the women in society to be proud of their "thunder thighs" and strive to exercise to gain this muscle, which is Nike's goal.
Political Cartoons database - 14 views
PoliticalCartoons.com Cartoon - 8 views
Womanist Musings: Niggers Niggas & Niggaz - 7 views
Man enough to be a nurse? - 4 views
Man enough to be a nurse? http://theorizingmasculinity.blogspot.com/2009/09/are-you-man-enough-to-be-nurse.html