The resources are designed to be used as rich sources of visually stimulating material, making use of both animations and drag and drop interactivity. The appropriate Key Stage is indicated for each resource.
I played the Blob (Music) and Cloud-Click (Math) games and they were fun! I didn't try the Algebra or periodic table games. It will take someone smarted than me!
"What does this mean? When will I use this?"
If you're a math teacher, you've probably heard these questions before. We're here to help you answer them.
At Mathalicious, we believe that math isn't something to learn, but a tool to learn about other things. Our mission is to help transform the way math is taught by providing you with the best, most meaningful and most relevant math content available. Our lessons are aligned to traditional state standards but, unlike most content, emphasize conceptual understanding through engaging real-world applications.
What does this mean for you and your students?
It means you can use linear equations to pick the right cell phone plan, and percents to get healthier. It means you can use proportions to compare the iPhone and the iPad, and explore whether the Olympics are fair. Our approach means that you as a teacher can foster real conversations, real learning about topics that students really care about.
And best of all, Mathalicious means that math can be…fun again.