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Rss Feed Group items tagged

Keith Hamon

Google Currents - ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 1 views

    Google Currents is an application for Apple's iOS and Google's Android [that] lets you add content that you might want to read from a variety of sources. Google offers a list of featured content that is predictable: Forbes, CNET, ReadWriteWeb, and the like. Google has some other subject-specific lists of content too. The real strength of the app, as far as I am concerned, is the ability to add any RSS feed including those in your Google Reader account.
Stephanie Cooper

- e-Literate - 0 views

    Will Google ever replace traditional LMSs like Moodle?  I hope so!!
Stephanie Cooper

Special Learning Types on Learnist | Learnist - 0 views

    A new alternative to class wikis??  I see many possibilities.  
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