I forgot this most important thing: Waterproof notepads made of waterproof paper. A notepad and pencil you can use in the shower for those brilliant ideas you'll otherwise forget. I use it ALL the time.
"Discover and share books you love on Goodreads, the world's largest site for readers and book recommendations" (and obsessively check your reviews and star ratings). Author dashboards, book discussion groups and lists, your library and bookshelves. Where readers are.
"Enhance your social media management with HootSuite, the leading social media dashboard. Manage multiple networks and profiles." You can set up tabs and columns to follow different hashtags or information streams.
"Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite authors, and breaking news." Also, the most valuable professional development and networking tool around.
Official fan page on Facebook for international YA author Cassandra Clare. Sample of a genuine fan page, with lots of competitions, trailers, fan art and fan fic.
An example of a Facebook group. Groups can be open or private, administered by one or several people. There are lots of writing- and book-related Facebook groups, sharing info and updates, working on a project, supporting members.
'"I have read and agree to the Terms" is the biggest lie on the web. We aim to fix that.'
Community does the hard work of reading all the terms and conditions small print, then rates the service and points out key issues for each.
Paid iPad app ($5) which provides the index card functionality of Scrivener and integrates with it. So you can plot and scheme on your iPad, and then synch it with your larger project in Scrivener.
We skipped over this, but for anyone who needs to manage data about lots of resources in different formats (eg books, links, PDFs, journal articles), Zotero is a very powerful free tool which grabs bibliographic data or metadata from anywhere and manages it for you. Can output bibliographies in all the usual styles. An alternative to EndNote or RefWorks.
Like Dropbox, stores and synchs your files on both your machine and in the cloud. Also provides you with Google Docs (like Microsoft office products), great for collaborating with others on documents in real time.