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Kelly Gardiner

Goodreads - 0 views

    "Discover and share books you love on Goodreads, the world's largest site for readers and book recommendations" (and obsessively check your reviews and star ratings). Author dashboards, book discussion groups and lists, your library and bookshelves. Where readers are.
    I didn't know I had an account until you mentioned it. As it turns out, I told Goodreads a year ago that I'd begun reading Noah Devine's Dharma Punx. I am, to this day, still trying to read Dharma Punx! It is keeping me honest...
    Yes, I look like I've been reading the same books for a year, too.
Kelly Gardiner

Pinterest - 0 views

    Great for assembling scrap books of images - settings, moods, characters, inspirations, details, books, authors, booklists, etc. Excellent search engine of collective obsessions. Also addictive.
    One of my friends on FB was complaining about the addictive aspect only this weekend. I'm almost afraid to try it!
Kelly Gardiner

Facebook group: Children's Book Council Victoria - 0 views

    An example of a Facebook group. Groups can be open or private, administered by one or several people. There are lots of writing- and book-related Facebook groups, sharing info and updates, working on a project, supporting members.
Lyndal Cairns

Framing the story - interviews, tips, thoughts - 0 views

    I loved this TED Radio Hour special on storytelling. It includes interviews and TED talks from a Pixar scriptwriter, the author of the historical reimagining The Girl with the Pearl Earring and a book cover artist. "Storytelling is joke-telling."
Kelly Gardiner

Outlines of famous books - 1 views

    Some of the hand-made plot systems, timelines, etc by Rowling, Heller, Faulkner and others.
Michael Cains

if:book Australia - 0 views

    Interesting....... 'All writers are vain, selfish, and lazy, and at the very bottom of their motives there lies a mystery. Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness.' George Orwell, with his breezy advocacy of a very British 'common sense', often seems as much crackpot as savant.
Catherine McArdle

Black Beacon Books: Submissions - 1 views

    New Australian publisher of short stories and novellas. Must be by a Brisbane writer or have some connection to Brisbane. Pays $10 for a story and wants all world-wide rights for a year after the anthology is published, then rights revert to the author.
Kelly Gardiner

The Story Coaster - 1 views

    Readers go for a ride. This is the best writing cartoon: all the things to avoid in your story at one glance.
    So much to really love about this. It's great!
Kelly Gardiner

Zotero - 0 views

    We skipped over this, but for anyone who needs to manage data about lots of resources in different formats (eg books, links, PDFs, journal articles), Zotero is a very powerful free tool which grabs bibliographic data or metadata from anywhere and manages it for you. Can output bibliographies in all the usual styles. An alternative to EndNote or RefWorks.
    /drools/ That's really cool - thanks!
Catherine McArdle

Delanceyplace email each day - 0 views

    This is the site I mentioned last week that sends you a random piece out of a book each day. Non-fiction. Good for ideas to write about, or just interesting. American.
Kelly Gardiner

Creative Commons Search - 0 views

    Find images that *may* be able to be used for publication, or at the very least for private research, inspiration and source books.
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