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Kelly Gardiner

How to kill your novel - 2 views

    Great post by Lee Kofman on how to kill that poor novel stone dead.
    Followed this link from the Writers Victoria posting. Some of my writers workshop people would do well to take it to heart!
Catherine McArdle

Write What You Know. Bringing Personal Experience Into Your Writing. | The Creative Penn - 0 views

    Good overview of how we as fiction writers could apply 'write what you know'. Practical. 
Kelly Gardiner

Google Scholar - 0 views

    Rich repository of journal articles and published papers on almost anything. If you are a member of a university library or State Library and put that in your Scholar profile, it will tell you when you have direct access to an article in a subscription-based database.
    It's is always worth investigating the authors of a paper before you use it from Scholar, I reckon. Universities overseas, particularly in the US, have different funding arrangements and sometimes the papers here (especially health-related ones) are less than independent.
    Fair call. True also of many materials online - factual or opinion-based ... or in the hard to tell the difference category. One good measure of credibility (or arguments against the findings) is to look at how many other people have cited the material and what they've done with it, which you can do via Scholar.
Kelly Gardiner

Toolkit presentation: Week 3 - 0 views

    On productivity, storing documents safely, and how to write without being disturbed.
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