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Wendy Melnick

The Writers' Trust of Canada - 1 views

    This government organization sponsors new writers with grants and scholarships, plus they send 4 writers per year to a writer's retreat
Wendy Melnick

Indieink | Write well, write now - 0 views

    A platform where writers from around the world write and publish their work. This site offers writers the opportunity to participate in "writing challenges"
Rogan Tydd-Whiting

Creative Writing 101 - 0 views

    I found this site when I faced writers block in Writers Craft. It helped me a lot with my children's lit assignment. I hope it can help someone else in a regular English course or Writers Craft

Literacy Reference Center and Write It Sideways - 3 views

Literacy Reference Center Literacy Reference Center is a comprehensive database that provides users with information on thousands of auth...

writing english reference literature analysis books culture research

started by camturnbull on 14 Sep 12 no follow-up yet
Wendy Melnick

Margaret Atwood - 0 views

    Her blog, her work, resources for writers, favourite links, videos, podcasts
Wendy Melnick

Carol Shields - 0 views

    " she did, and live she does; for as John Keats remarked, every writer has two souls, an earthly one and one that lives on in the world of writing as a voice in the writing itself. It's this voice, astute, compassionate, observant, and deeply human, that will continue to speak to her readers everywhere." - Margaret Atwood in the Introducton to Collected Stories
Wendy Melnick

The Obsessed Writer - 0 views

    Author Gabriele Wills blog with links to book pages. "My passion is to enlighten as well as entertain by weaving compelling stories around meticulously researched facts." Naked Poets, Freethinking Clergymen, and an "Enchanted Island"
Wendy Melnick

Descant - 0 views

    Now in its fifth decade, Descant is a quarterly journal publishing new and established contemporary writers and visual artists from Canada and around the world
Wendy Melnick

Canadian Women Artists' Books - 0 views

    Why are so many books being produced in such fine form and variety of expression by women working in Canada in the recent decades? No doubt many factors account for this abundance - strong women writers...
Wendy Melnick

Women Writing and Reading in Canada from 1950 - 0 views

    By underscoring that writers and readers live in interconnected worlds, this site provides open-source materials and encourages feed-back from a range of visitors, within and beyond the academy.
laura d

"How to Write an Essay -- 10 Easy Steps" - 0 views

    This site gives an indepth look at how to write essays in ten steps. I find very helpful as it gives a skeleton as to the format of how essay are suposed to be written.

The Khan Academy - 0 views

    To be a great writer, you must have knowledge about several different subjects. Khan Academy provides informational videos covering math, biology, finance, etc. to broaden your understanding of topics.
Ashleigh West

Daily Writing Tips - 0 views

    Gives you daily tips on how to become a better writer.
marley wildish

Guide to grammar and writting - 0 views It's easy to forget prefect grammar. this site gives you defintions and examples on not only grammar tools but on writers block, how to write a paragraph,how...

started by marley wildish on 07 Jun 12 no follow-up yet
Julianne Neal

How To Write A Thesis - 0 views The basic overview for writing a thesis.

writing english reference literature analysis research

started by Julianne Neal on 20 Sep 12 no follow-up yet
Wendy Melnick

Literature and Canadian History: A Marriage Made in Heaven? - 0 views

    There is a list of numerous novels based on Canadian history at the end of this short essay
Wendy Melnick

Riding The Alligator - 0 views

    Tips and Advice: Scriptwriting : Screenwriting Books : Screenwriting Course : Selling Scripts Pen Densham's web site
Wendy Melnick

Arundhati Roy - 0 views

    Indian novelist, activist and world citizen. She won the Booker Prize in 1997 for her first novel The God of Small Things
Wendy Melnick

Writing Tips - 1 views

    The Center for Writing Studies, Illinois give tips on how to be precise in your writing
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