Now in its fifth decade, Descant is a quarterly journal publishing new and established contemporary writers and visual artists from Canada and around the world
A database of catalogue information about books, periodicals, music, videos and other published materials. Search the many databases and articles for historical research.
Why are so many books being produced in such fine form and variety of expression by women working in Canada in the recent decades? No doubt many factors account for this abundance - strong women writers...
Author Gabriele Wills blog with links to book pages. "My passion is to enlighten as well as entertain by weaving compelling stories around meticulously researched facts."
Naked Poets, Freethinking Clergymen, and an "Enchanted Island"
" she did, and live she does; for as John Keats remarked, every writer has two souls, an earthly one and one that lives on in the world of writing as a voice in the writing itself. It's this voice, astute, compassionate, observant, and deeply human, that will continue to speak to her readers everywhere."
- Margaret Atwood in the Introducton to Collected Stories
By underscoring that writers and readers live in interconnected worlds, this site provides open-source materials and encourages feed-back from a range of visitors, within and beyond the academy.