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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Amanda Stueve

Amanda Stueve

AFRICA HEALTH STRATEGY: 2007-2015: - 0 views

  • as the potential to achieve even more if it can overcome the large burden of disease which continues to be a barrier to faster development.
  • has the potential to achieve even more if it can overcome the large burden of disease which continues to be a barrier to faster development
    • Amanda Stueve
      Challenges & plans
    This is one solution to help solve healthcare issues in Africa. It was developed by Africans, and looks like one of the solutions it would be worth examining in a presentation.
Amanda Stueve

CHALLENGES 2006-2007: Malawi On Track to Meet Child Mortality MDG - 0 views

  • more than a million babies in the region die each year before they are a month old because of a lack of essential health care.
  • Malawi, together with Burkina Faso, Eritrea, Madagascar, Tanzania and Uganda, is regarded as having made significant progress in reducing infant deaths over the last 10 years, thanks to increased government spending on basic health care.
  • Currently infant mortality stands at 94 deaths per 1,000 live births in Malawi. A decade ago, the infant mortality rate was pegged at 146 per 1,000 live births.
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  • The Malawian government has intensified the promotion of low-technology and cost-effective measures such as vaccines against child illnesses, antibiotics to treat respiratory infections, and oral rehydration therapy against diarrhoea.
  • measures include the provision of free insecticide-treated bed nets against malaria, and education in improved family care and breast-feeding practices.
  • Illnesses such as polio and neonatal tetanus have been virtually eradicated.
  • Japanese figures show fewer than two deaths per 1,000 live births.
  • Tokyo has provided financial aid for the procurement of drugs and preventive materials.
  • Annually, about 73,000 children in Malawi die from preventable diseases. One in every five children dies before she or he is a month old, and one in every eight dies before her or his fifth birthday.
  • Malnutrition is associated with 54 percent of all children's deaths in Malawi, says the country's former advisor for health, Wesley Sangala. According to him, seven in 10 deaths of under-five children are attributable to diarrhoea, acute respiratory infections, measles, malaria and nutritional deficiencies.
  • She points out that malnutrition rates among Malawian children have not improved significantly since 1992.
  • Almost half of all children under the age of five (48 percent) are stunted, 22 percent are underweight, 59 percent suffer from vitamin A deficiency, and 80 percent are anaemic.
    Describes Malawi's progress towards achieving the MDG of child mortality. Has a lot of really, really good statistics. Particularly important are the things that have worked to make a difference in child mortality rates, and the specific diseases that most commonly cause death in children in Malawi.
Amanda Stueve

HEALTH-AFRICA: Beef up Budget Allocations to Achieve MDGs - 0 views

  • the Africa Health Strategy 2007-2015.
  • 15 percent of national budgets to health care,
  • It also urged governments to engage civil society and line ministries in mobilising resources for tuberculosis (TB).
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  • ‘‘Eight million Africans are dying from HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria every year. We want to stop this,'' Regis Mtutu of the Treatment Action Campaign
  • Regarding the commitment to put aside 15 percent of national budgets for health services, ‘‘only Botswana and The Gambia have met this promise'', Mtutu said.
  • included a plan to set up pharmaceutical plants for producing life-prolonging anti-retroviral drugs (ARVs). Mtutu pointed out that ‘‘the ministers for finance and industry were not part of the discussion. To succeed, the health ministers need mandates from their finance and industry counterparts.
  • policy officer at Oxfam Kenya office, told IPS that ‘‘‘MDGs' is just a label. It is a brand. ‘‘HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria and other diseases are really the issue. It is about systems to deliver health care. This should be the starting point to meeting the MDGs,'' said Edete.
  • lthough governments have committed themselves to the MDGs and the Abuja target, some prefer to move at their own pace. Kenya's government, for example, says it will commit 12 percent of its national budget to health by 2008
  • ‘‘It should be a step-by-step approach. Each country has its own strategy. If you set a time frame it might not work. For example, you cannot expect (strife-torn) countries like Somalia, Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of Congo to reach the 15 percent target. It is not practical,'' she told IPS.
  • the political and economic crisis in Zimbabwe deserves special mention as it is also a health crisis for Africa. People living with HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe cannot obtain the care they need and the climate of violence is perpetuating the epidemics of HIV and TB. ‘‘The shockwaves from the crisis in Zimbabwe are reverberating throughout the continent as refugees seek health care and other services in neighbouring countries. Our health ministers must speak out on Zimbabwe on health and humanitarian grounds,'' the coalition argued.
  • a new report, ‘‘Paying for People'', published this month (April), Oxfam estimates that 13.7 billion US dollars must be invested every year to appoint an additional 1 million teachers and 2.1 million health care workers urgently needed to break the cycle of poverty in Africa.
  • ‘‘Today in too many of the world's poorest countries health and education services are dependent on a handful of workers struggling heroically to do their jobs on pitiful wages and in appalling conditions. Becoming a doctor, nurse or teacher is like signing a contract with poverty,'' Oxfam's Elizabeth Stuart wrote in the report.
  • Africa has 13 percent of the global population and 25 percent of the global burden of disease but only 1.3 percent of the global workforce.''
    • Amanda Stueve
      good stat
  • The report cites Tanzania as an example. This southern African country produces 640 doctors, nurses and midwives each year. But to reach the World Health Organisation's recommended staffing levels within 10 years it would need to produce 3,500 such health workers each year. Another example is Malawi where only nine percent of health facilities have adequate staff to provide basic health care. The country loses around 100 nurses each year ‘‘who emigrate in search of a better wage'', according to the Oxfam report. Charo told IPS that Kenyan health workers are not only moving overseas but are also seeking opportunities in the private sector for better pay. ‘‘If you work for government, you get 12,000 Kenya shillings (about 172 US dollars) but in the NGO or private sector you earn 40,000 shillings (nearly 572 US dollars) a month. People are tempted to move on.'' (END/2007)
    • Amanda Stueve
      good stats
    Has some good statistics. Lists lots of problems in African heatlhcare. Has some info on Africa Health Strategy, and proposes more money will solve more problems.
Amanda Stueve

LABOUR: Reversing South Africa's Brain Drain - 0 views

  • the country's dark days of post-apartheid crime, that triggered an exodus of the white population are over. According to them new opportunites are building up and there is no more ‘reverse discrimination' against whites.
  • The reality today is that if you are black, young, and male, your chances of being affected by crime is much higher,
  • Whites constitute most of the South African expatriates.
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  • encouraging trends
  • one white for every 11 blacks in the population, of every 33 murder victims only one is white
  • while blacks still account for 31 percent of the unemployed, the rate for the whites was only five percent.
    Ok. Wow. I so did not think of white South Africans when I thought about African professionals. The statistics they are using to try to convince white expatriates to return to South Africa are very interesting.
Amanda Stueve

Africa --COUNTDOWN TO 2015 / IPS Inter Press Service - 0 views

  • This process has to begin with an attitude change in the people.
  • The international system cannot determine for the people the needs, however obvious the needs may be.
  • MDGs are derived from the international system rather than the domestic environment. They are thus perceived to be foreign, however good the intentions may be.
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  • Institutions in many African countries are derived from developed countries’ institutions. This makes the whole idea of independence derisory.
  • elimination of proxy wars that were constantly blamed for the underdevelopment of the third world, third world leaders would re-channel their resources in worthy directions, such as health care, education and poverty eradication.
    An opinion is put forth here that solutions for Africa must come from Africans so that they have legitimacy. Parochialism is a hindrance to solving political and healthcare issues in Africa (because people are not aware of their rights and privileges?).
Amanda Stueve

DEVELOPMENT-ZIMBABWE: Hunger Exacerbating Child Mortality - 0 views

  • after 2000 as health delivery services declined amid growing international isolation.
  • he used to give her older children, who have since finished their primary education, supplements like peanut butter. But now she cannot do the same for her three-year-old son because of escalating prices.
  • Zimbabwe's economic decline has led to the breakdown of the country's health delivery system. Health care is now characterised by acute shortages of drugs and skilled personnel.
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  • he lack of resources to meet service delivery needs will also affect remote rural areas.
  • unavailability of medicine and medical personnel.
    The economic situation is affecting healthcare in Zimbabwe. Food prices are going up, making it harder for mothers to provide good nutrition for their children. There are not enough funds for supplies and personnel, and doctors and nurses cannot be paid fair wages.
Amanda Stueve

TRADE-AFRICA: How to Turn The Curse of Oil Into a Blessing - 0 views

    Oil (and other minerals) are affecting the economic situation of African countries. Companies are getting rich, but the people are poor. Poverty is undoubtedly a cause fore the lack of healthcare access in Africa. Some solutions are offered in this article to put some of the money made from the oil back into the hands of the people that live there.
Amanda Stueve

DEVELOPMENT-ZIMBABWE: As Long as Crisis Continues, Border Jumping Will - 0 views

    The same reason that these people are leaving Zimbabwe--the political and economic situation--is probably the reason, or at least related to the reason that African healthcare professionals are leaving their countries.
Amanda Stueve

NEJM_Kim_Farmer.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    • Amanda Stueve
      Infrastructure: states that without a healthcare system in place, antiretroviral therapy is hindered. Therefore; only developed countries currently have capabilities to effectively fight AIDS. What would be the impact on different cultures of introducing complex Western-style healthcare systems?
Amanda Stueve

WHO | A guide to statistical information at WHO - 0 views

    WHO Statistics for 2007. This will show us some of the major issues worldwide with health, and you can  look and see what parts of the world have the most problems.
Amanda Stueve

Polynesian culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    • Amanda Stueve
      technology info
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