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Contents contributed and discussions participated by hwang17


Language matters in science and mathematics - here's why - 0 views

    Language isn't only a way of communication, but it is the basis of many different aspects of life. Both science and math are languages of their own, and to be able to understand the style of language can help your brain to think in different ways for science and math.

Positive language is on the decline in the United States, study finds - 1 views

    Although recent election coverage may suggest otherwise, research shows that people are more likely to use positive words than negative words on the whole in their communications. Behavioral scientists have extensively documented this phenomenon, known as language positivity bias, in a number of different languages.

Which Language Uses the Most Sounds? Click 5 Times for the Answer - 0 views

    This study shows that language doesn't only consist of words, but can also consist of sounds. People have different styles of language and understand people in different ways from different countries around the world.

It's Okay To Swear Around Your Kids, Says Science - 0 views

    Many parents start to control their language when they have kids because they don't want their children to become "bad". Kids understand the degree of swearing and when to use it and when it is unnecessary. Children understand the context it is used in, as long as it is not to them, but it is fine around them.

How Your Body Language Can Tell People You're a Leader-or Not - 1 views

    There are many ways that what you do with your body can translate into a language to show what you are feeling. Words are not neccesary for others to know the type of person you are. By reading actions, people can know if you are fit for a job or your characteristics.
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